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LGBT Lobby Rebutted by Pro Family Medical Experts at Massachusetts House Hearing
[Editor's Note: The promotion of homosexuality, homosexual "marriage," and LGBT "rights" is part of The World Conquerors' agenda to destroy the foundational stability of the nuclear family unit (of the goyim, not Jewish tribal/family stability) and the traditional Christian morality ethos that has dominated America since its inception as a nation. Zionists OWN the Massachusetts legislature (which is why you had 4 Jewish people running for governor in the last election) and the fix is in to pass this bill, no matter how many pro family medical experts voice their objections at these hearings. The major domo Jewish sponsor of the bill, Kay Khan, just happens to be Chairman of the very House committee overseeing the hearings. I can't imagine a more flagrant and obvious CONFLICT OF INTEREST, yet no one seems to even notice, let alone object, to such brazen improprieties these days! Like California legislative sellouts with SB277 to mandate vaccinations for school children, the FIX is in and the bribed or blackmailed sellouts, along with the Zionist fifth columnists in the Mass. legislature will rubber stamp and approve this bill (remember, you read it here first). These people must be removed from office and replaced with patriots loyal to their constituents' will and to America's moral and political integrity.]
August 28, 2015
LGBT Lobby Rebutted by Pro Family Medical Experts at Massachusetts House Hearing (August 28, 2015)
The homosexual [more accurately, Zionist-sponsored] movement’s state-by-state crusade to pass laws banning youth with sexual orientation problems from seeking help by therapists, came to a head in the Massachusetts State House at a public hearing on Tuesday, July 28. The well-oiled LGBT lobbying machine was rebutted by pro-family counselors and experts, many of whom who came to Boston from across America, as well as MassResistance activists.
Pro-family team to counter destructive bill. Outside of the hearing room, from left: David Pickup, licensed therapist from Dallas; Dr. J. Abede Alexandre, child psychologist, Boston; Dr. Alexandre’s wife; Brian Camenker, MassResistance, Greg Quinlan, ex-gay, New Jersey Family Policy Council; Robin Goodspeed, ex-Lesbian, Wyoming; Mari Chamberlain, ADF allied attorney, Massachusetts; Keith Vennum MD, mental health councilor, Florida; Dr. Vennum’s wife; Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council, Washington DC. [All photos by MassResistance]
At issue is Bill H97, which is a major goal of the LGBT lobby this year. It would make it illegal for licensed therapists to help children deal with traumatic sexual orientation problems, often the result of childhood sexual molestation, rape, or abuse. Instead, the bill would only allow therapy that encourages homosexual behavior.
Read more about Bill H97 here.
Unfortunately, most people have no idea that battles like this are even happening – which is how the LGBT lobby likes it. But these kinds of laws can severely harm vulnerable children.
The hearing was held before the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities. It’s a challenge because the committee is dominated by left-wing social advocates. Plus, House Chairman of that committee, Kay Khan (D-Newton) is the sponsor of H97. But these politicians rarely, if ever, hear the pro-family side of this debate articulated as well as this, and anything can happen. This was the place for the battle!
The hearing room was completely full, and people were standing along the walls.
Normally, the well-organized and well-funded LGBT lobbying machine is accustomed to overwhelming their opponents at these hearings. But this time it was different. They were up against some heavy hitters. And although the people on our side have fewer financial resources, being in Boston for this was important.
Here’s what the legislators saw and heard that day. Below are the claims by the LGBT lobby, followed by the pro-family rebuttal . . .
To discredit this legitimate therapy, the LGBT speakers presented a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned-up hysteria to the legislators. They labeled it as “conversion therapy”. They told lurid (and blatantly untrue) stories about children being electrocuted and other alleged abuses by therapists. They claimed that even “talk” therapy causes depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior (it actually heals it). And they repeated the mantra that people are “born that way” and that virtually all the problems that homosexuals suffer through are caused by “prejudice” in society — not childhood experiences, abuse, or trauma.
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State Rep. Sarah Peake (D-Provincetown), an “out” lesbian: “Today you will hear from people who feel it is appropriate to say that being gay, or bisexual, or transgender is something less than equal, it is something undesirable, it is something lacking in dignity.” |
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Mental health director from “Gender Management Service” at Boston Children’s Hospital (See the gruesome report about Children’s Hospital’s transgender work with children.) Said that the best way to deal with children with transgender issues is to go through a “gender exploration process.” In contrast, she added, “Reparative therapy does not offer options or questions, and closes the door to exploration for healthy gender development for gender questioning youth.” One should not attempt “to repair or convert” which “leads to suicide attempts by over 50% of the youth.” |
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Coordinator from “Campaign to end conversion therapy” at National Center for Lesbian Rights. Discussed alleged “electric shock” treatment. Claimed that a UN group compares reparative therapy to “torture”. Says it “defrauds” parents. Claims it causes high suicide. “This bill is a matter of life and death.” |
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Executive Director of Mass. Chapter of National Association of Social Workers: “Since homosexuality is not a disorder or a disease it does not require a cure.” Instead, therapists should find ways to help youth “become more comfortable with their sexual orientation … Just as one does not choose to be straight, one does not choose to be gay or lesbian or transgender.” |
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Attorney from Washington DC based homosexual group “Human Rights Campaign.” (This is a man dressed as a woman.) These are “dangerous practices” that must be dealt with by the legislature, not trusted to local licensing boards. (But admitted that people haven’t been complaining to licensing boards about this around the country.) |
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Attorney at Boston-based Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders: “After all these years, there is still a sense that being gay or lesbian, bisexual or transgender is abnormal … Passing this bill is a message from the state that people do NOT need to change their sexual orientation or gender identity because that is not abnormal. It is a healthy, normal aspect of human development.” |
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Executive Director of Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (This is a female with a beard dressed in men’s clothes.) “By identifying these so-called therapies for what they are – fraudulent at best and categorically harmful in many instances – the Legislature will make strides in addressing the health and wellness of LGBT youth here in Massachusetts.” |
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Pastor of a (far-left) Congregational Church in Worcester: Said that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, but instead the text actually refers to other issues such as rape. “As a Christian pastor, I believe that religion is at the basis of all of these problems with abuse of our LGBT persons … Reparative therapy for our LGBT brothers and sisters is like attempting to separate Michelangelo from the art that was born in him.” |
VIDEO: “Nothing but LIES: Testimony in support of H97“ (1 min 58 sec)
The pro-family side – telling the truth!
Most legislators almost never hear the truth on this issue. Honest medical people – and those who have been helped through therapy – describe how homosexual behavior is very often a result of early sexual trauma (such as sexual molestation, exposure to pornography, abuse, etc.) or serious issues with one or both parents. If youth can be helped at a critical time, it can save them years of pain, depression, disease, and even suicide.
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Dr. J. Abede Alexandre – child psychologist: “There is no conclusive evidence in the scientific community separating one particular factor that determines one’s sexual orientation. It has failed to conclude that different factors may lead to different psychological responses, which may include serious distress, which one may seek to alleviate using psychotherapy.” |
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Greg Quinlan – NJ Family Policy Council and former homosexual: “I’ve heard the term ‘conversion therapy’ used. That’s offensive. That’s a term of hate. We’re not converting a religion here. This is reparative therapy. All therapy seeks to repair something.” He also described how he’s an ex-gay, and therapy was crucial to his healing, “Forgiving my father was the issue that helped me overcome my same-sex attraction.” |
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Robin Goodspeed – Voice of the Voiceless and former lesbian: “I did not choose to be sexually abused as a child, but I did choose homosexuality. I made choices that led to that life. And I spent a lifetime fighting depression, addiction, suicide and being victimized by ‘born gay’ lies from the culture and [mainstream] counseling community. I know other ex-gays who had similar experiences. This bill is designed to condemn children like we were to that same experience. Licensed professional therapists through reparative therapy help sexual abuse victims like me heal from trauma.” |
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David Pickup – licensed counselor (and former abuse victim): “A sexually abused child comes in at 15 years of age, he knows he’s heterosexual and he’s had sexual abuse. Or homosexual feelings come up and I as a therapist have to say ‘I can help you because I know it works, but I can’t help you because the state makes it illegal.’ Can you imagine the horror?” |
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Keith Vennum, MD – mental health counselor: “It’s not the job of the legislature to micromanage the work of the helping professionals. … Were there multiple incidents of gay identified teens being harmed at the hands of helping professionals in Massachusetts, each regulatory board would effectively step in and do the job the legislature has already commissioned them to do, but such harm has not been seen.” |
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Parent and MassResistance activist: Showed committee that studies show that approximately 10% of youth become confused and think they might be LGBT. But a few years later, when in their 20s, only about 1.6%. actually believe they are LGBT. Proper counseling could relieve so much of the stress and anxiety that these youth go through in that process. |
VIDEO: “Respecting Our Children’s Voices – Testimony Against H97“
(9 min 9 sec)
What happens next?
This confrontation was very necessary – especially in the Massachusetts State House. The homosexual movement needs to be strongly rebuked with the truth at every turn. Several liberal committee members were visibly moved by our side’s testimony.
However, this is only Round 1 of the fight to stop H97 in the Massachusetts State House. Since the House Chairman of this Committee is the sponsor of this bill. it is quite likely to pass this committee. But that doesn’t mean H97 will pass in the Legislature.
Rep Kay Khan, House Chairman of the Committee, is the sponsor of H97. But that can be overcome.
Last session a nearly identical bill was filed and easily passed through this committee and then a second committee. It was finally derailed before getting to the House floor by strong tactical lobbying by MassResistance activists. We know what’s ahead and we’re getting ready for it. This destructive bill is built on lies and disinformation. When politicians realize this they don’t like it. That’s why most state legislatures so far have rejected this, though the LGBT lobby is just ramping up their fight even more.
So far the committee has not acted on this bill. We would encourage everyone to contact the Committee to reject H97. If you live in Massachusetts, contact your legislators.
You can also follow the status of H97 on our page of bills. We’ll keep you informed on this!
Is that the reason why they are allowing islam muslims into america to deal with the gay people and then slice female’s private parts off with razor blades?? Both are evil.
Eat More GMO