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Other SEC College Sports

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 7:12
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Vanderbilt Champions

Another Summer is starting to wind down and folks across the South are looking forward to the SEC college football season. SEC college football coaches are amongst the best paid, most admired people in the South, and SEC college football players are…

well, Roman gladiatorial slaves probably had better academic standards and lower crime/rape rap sheets than current SEC Black thugs.It wasn’t always this way. SEC football up through ~ 1970 was overwhelmingly played by Southerners. The Old Mis “Rebels” really were Southern Confederate Rebels, led by the likes of Archie Manning. But those beloved days are….

Gone with the wind.

Our people have a bad habit of holding on to loyalties to institutions that were once ours, but have long since gone over to the other anti Southern, anti White side. Most Southerners continued to vote Democrat up until ~ 1980 with the election of President Ronald Reagan. This at a time when the national Democrat party had been taken over by the likes of Marion Barry, Coleman Young, Jacob Javitz, funded by New York/Hollywood media jackals like Norman Lear – they simply hated the pre 1965 South. So why did Southerners continue to vote Democrat?


“Because my daddy was a Democrat and my grand daddy was a democrat and Hell the Republicans were the party of Lincoln and Reconstruction”!

Well, I would answer that times change – the Southern Democrats of Huey Long’s time weren’t defiling Confederate graves or forcing homosexual marriage equality on the South, now they are. The good side is that many things change for the better.

So here is a suggested good change for our Southern people:

Stop supporting SEC gladiatorial games, Black thug football and –

Start supporting other very Southern SEC sports like college baseball, women’s gymnastics or even tennis.

U of Florida Champion

SEC College (in name only) football and basketball or the only two college sports dominated by Black thugs. Everything else is white and very Southern. My alma mater Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee has an excellent baseball team – winning the NCAA national baseball championship in 2014 and coming within one game of repeating as back to back champions in 2015. How ’bout them Dores?! I watched some of the finals of the NCAA women’s gymnastic’s championship – the best teams were SEC colleges like University of Florida and the University of Virginia. The women gymnastic champions tended to be very athletic and also very beautiful adult women, which is a nice change from the 1970s when international gymnasts were little girls like Olga Korbit and Mary Lou Retton. Best of all, in these non football, non basketball college sports, we the spectators can get involved and get to support the real Southern college athletes and coaches, our sons, daughters, neighbors can become stars on campus, real Southern student athletes – how is that for a big change?

I hope to see other Occidental Dissent readers, League of the South members/activist at next year’s NCAA college baseball championships in Nebraska – the crowd is very good looking and mighty White.

Let’s enjoy life for a change, all the news isn’t bad and yes, I would say it’s OK to admire a pretty woman athlete – sure beats looking at the Yid Dykes on the US Supreme Court!


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