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Tuesday, August 11, 2015 9:50
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Let’s review what we have learned from the Framers so far. In the beginning, Hamilton told us that it is a historical fact that evil and conspiring men will rise up to try and “overturn the liberties of republics”. He then explained how to recognize these wolves, when they do appear. He warned us that the “much more certain road to despotism” can be seen behind a “specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people” than the “appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government.” Hamilton, The Federalist Papers Letter 1. 

Let us apply his warning to today and see how it fares. On one hand, we see men and women like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and others who advocate smaller government and less spending. Their message clearly falls under the purviews of a “zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government.” 

Men like Obama, on the other hand, who advocate amnesty to lawbreakers, “affordable” healthcare for everyone (citizens and non-citizens alike), and marriage rights for all clearly fall into the category of a “specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people.” Hamilton warns us that it has been “those men” who “have overturned the liberties of republics” not the ones arguing for smaller and more efficient government. Id. 

Obama’s mask is actually transparent to the discretionary viewer. One has only to look. For example, even though he makes a good speech about handing out rights that he does not even possess under the Constitution to people who are not even citizens, (while at the same time catching a feigning, fainting woman during one of those speeches), his actual politics are full of despotic tendencies that destroy the constitutional rights of the people. 

The best examples of this fact can be seen in the aggressive defense and enforcement of such unconstitutional laws as The Patriot Act and the NDAA not to mention the illegal spying activities of the NSA.

The NDAA, for example, allows Obama’s cronies to arrest and incarcerate anyone indefinitely without due process of law. His drones have been used to kill American citizens suspected, but not even tried or convicted, of terrorism. His Affordable Care Act, which promotes the idea that everyone has a right to healthcare, along with his reckless printing of money in order to spend his way out of debt is putting the US on the sure road to bankruptcy. 

The spying activities of Obama’s NSA completely eviscerates the guarantees of the Fourth Amendment for the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. His unconstitutional drive through a UN Treaty to enforce an international register of gun owners continues to destroy the very specific guarantees of the Second Amendment. 

His constant use of the term democracy, thereby mislabeling the very foundations of our Constitutional Republic, is used in order to mislead the people to believe that he is bound by the voice of the people. (Remember in Letter 10 that Madison very clearly eschews democracy in favor of the Republic established by the Constitution.)

Finally, we have of late learned about the quiet and very subtle implementation of capital controls on our own, personal money. Banks across the US, including but not limited to, Chase and Wells Fargo, are sending out seemingly innocuous letters to their customers explaining how the banks will now start limiting account holders’ access to THEIR OWN MONEY in order “to better serve” them. These recent measures are all taking place as a result of federal banking regulations that no one in the media is even talking about. Some of the limitations include a moratorium on ALL outgoing international wires and a limitation of six account transfers a month per account. 

These types of capital controls are but a portent of the future Cyprus-like confiscation of YOUR MONEY by the government. Throughout history, when governments are on the brink of financial default, they begin limiting capital controls in exactly the way we are seeing here. Following that, governments typically seize government pension funds, meaning the outright theft of pensions for cops, government workers, etc., is probably just around the corner.

Finally, the last act of desperation by governments facing financial default is to seize private funds from banks, Cyprus-style. It happened in Greece, and it most certainly can happen here given our current state of affairs. The precedent for this has already been set in Cyprus.

It is interesting to note that Hitler used economic collapse to acquire his dictatorial powers with the “Enabling Act of 1933”. This Act granted Hitler, for four years, “absolute authority.” For all intents and purposes, the Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers and made him the dictator of Germany. It followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the Reich government. The combined effect of these two bills was to bring the Weimar Republic to an end. We have already witnessed similar actions taking place in our own country with the passage of The Patriot Act and NDAA which have eviscerated the Bill of Rights and will ultimately result in the end of our country’s Constitutional Republic!! 

Like anything in politics, NOTHING is EVER temporary. The promise of being temporary is always a lure to get the masses to buy off on such unconstitutional measures. Like the Enabling Act with Hitler it was never meant to be temporary and neither will the one coming down the pike with this Administration which I am confident we will see sometime before 2016.

We live in a time where the government can legislate away rights that are clearly provided for by the express language of the Constitution (i.e., see gun control and NSA spying), but the government will enforce the judge-made “rights” that protect immoral behavior aimed at destroying the basic, family unit with the utmost ferocity as the supposed “law of the land”. 

Abortion is a prime example, but there are other not so obvious immoral practices identified by Madison in Letter 10, that are held out as rights by Obama and others in government. For example, Madison called a “rage for paper money” to be used for “the abolition of debts” and the attempt to force “an equal division of property” on the People (similar to what we see happening with the Affordable Care Act) as “wicked projects”. Madison, The Federalist Papers Letter 10. 

We also learned very clearly from Madison that the federal government was only given a “few and defined” powers with the Constitution and that those powers are to deal “principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce.” Madison, The Federalist Papers Letter 45. When the government gets involved in healthcare and regulating how you can use your money, it is clearly unconstitutional. Sitting around hoping that things will get better is just as effective as the frog sitting in the pot of water thinking that the water won’t get any hotter. We have to take action NOW—as WE THE PEOPLE! The best way to start is to take away the power of government controls. This can be done effectively, legally and through non-violent means. 

First, we should stop using the banks. We should move our money out of the banks, take control of it ourselves by going strictly cash, and investing in our own home safes. While this may be inconvenient for some, it will be nothing compared to the inconveniences that will be imposed upon the American people if Obama passes his version of Nazi-style enabling legislation granting himself plenary powers before 2016. We do NOT want history repeating itself.

Second, we should NOT buy into Obamacare. We can repeal Obamacare through subversion! Find a good accountant to make sure that you use all your exemptions when filing for your taxes so that you have no refunds coming from the government. This means when you do not pay into Obamacare, the only thing the IRS can do is fine you. The IRS can only collect on the fine out of any tax refunds you have coming. If you have made sure you have no refund, then they cannot collect on any fines imposed on you for refusing to participate in their unconstitutional socialistic scheme. 

Third, make sure that you own at least one gun. You will not only be protecting yourself and your family by doing so but you will also be safeguarding the Second Amendment. I strongly urge you to buy your guns now before the international registry is implemented, and do it carefully so you avoid being targeted by the government.

Fourth, fight for term limits on Congress by pushing for a constitutional amendment. Kick the bums out of Washington! Incumbents are always re-elected. This means that nothing ever changes in Washington. We need two term limitations on Congress to keep the power diffused with new blood every election!

Finally, talk it up with your family and friends. Help start a grass roots movement that will take away the control from Washington and the banks and return the power back once again into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE where it belongs.

©October 2013 Smooth Operator, Madame Publius™

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