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We have arrived at a point in our society where indecency is indelibly etched into the very essence of our entertainment; where blasphemy bolsters the very substance of our daily discourse; where immorality is infiltrating every aspect of our lives; and where religious worship is waning into obscurity only to be replaced by satanic rituals being hailed as a performing art. In spite of these obvious, glaring stains on our National character, there are those among us who still react with surprise, indignation and outrage over accusations made by some who refer to us as a “Great Satan.”
These delusional individuals view our moral decline not as something to lament but to be celebrated as an expansion of enlightenment. Washington, on the other hand, would disagree. He emphatically defined “religion and morality” as “indispensable” supports for a free society–“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Washington, Farewell Address, 1796. As such, Washington charged that anyone trying to “subvert” the two “great pillars” of “religion and morality” is not Patriotic: “In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.” Id.
Anyone familiar with the writings of the Framers knows that a belief in God was a fundamental tenet of their literature. Madison plainly expounds this theme calling it an impossibility to see the formation of our nation and our government as anything but divine: “It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution.” Madison, The Federalist Papers, Letter 37.
Washington clearly acknowledges that our nation was founded upon the same religion: “With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion . . . .” Washington, Farewell Address, 1796. It was in the context of this definition that Washington discussed religion throughout the remainder of his Farewell Address. Our “national morality”, he warned, cannot “prevail in exclusion of” the “religious principle” our country was founded upon. Id.
Similarly, Jay recognized, that it was “Providence” who gave “this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion . . .” Jay, The Federalist Papers, Letter 2. Simply put, these men affirm what we all should know that America has professed the same religion since our Pilgrim Forefathers and Mothers crossed the Atlantic.
Even our National public buildings attest to this fact beginning with the Supreme Court itself. Moses is depicted several times in the stone and marble along with the Ten Commandments on the Supreme Court building. For example, Moses sits as the prominent figure atop the building’s east side, holding two tablets that represent the Ten Commandments. Christian religious symbols appear so often throughout DC that it would take days for any visitor to view all the references garnishing our government buildings, ranging from the Library of Congress to the Capitol itself.
We would be wise to heed Washington’s warning that whatever “influence” we concede to “refined education” in this country, we must take care that it does not result in the “exclusion of [our] religious principle.” If we want to remain free, he counseled, then we must “be constantly awake”. If we allow ourselves to become mesmerized by the pernicious players parading across our television, computer and movie screens, while ignoring the way our children are being educated, then we are in for a rude awakening with a loss of our freedoms.
If you are not already aware of the revisionists of Common Core and the morally destructive forces they are bringing into your child’s education then it is time to wake up.
We have been so intimidated by others that we have relinquished many of our basic rights—first and foremost being our right to practice our religion how and when we want. Despite what the usurpers on the Court have told you, the plain language of the First Amendment only applies to Congress. It does NOT apply to you or your schools: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” US CONST. Amend. I.
There is nothing in that language that even remotely suggests that your schools cannot educate your child while being surrounded by the two “great pillars” of “religion and morality”. In actual point of fact, when Congress or the courts try and prevent you from so doing, such attempts are clearly “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. The fact that we have acquiesced to these usurpers and given up our right to exercise our religion like we have in our schools leads to only one logical conclusion—we will continue to lose more of our freedoms.
We must NOT allow this kind of relinquishment any longer. We must fight back through civil disobedience. Ignore what they say and exercise your religious freedoms! The National government takes your money through taxes and then turns around and uses that same money to bribe our state public school officials not to allow religion and morality into the schools. What is even more alarming is how these slave masters have stepped up their efforts by forcing anyone taking their money to use the entire Common Core curriculum.
If we truly understood the Constitution, we would realize that they have NO RIGHT, as Washington affirmed, to exclude “religious principles” from OUR children’s education. Turn off your television and get to work!
©March 2014 The Two Indispensable Great Pillars of Political Prosperity, Madame Publius™