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Top GOP operative claims RNC has secret anti-Trump war room

Friday, August 21, 2015 11:52
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Top GOP operative claims RNC has secret anti-Trump war room –Committee mocks: 'It's located at Area 51. Elvis runs it' | 21 Aug 2015 | A Republican operative who used to serve as a political adviser to Donald Trump, and who continues to profess political support for the billionaire, has come forward on national television to accuse the RNC of staging a war room of sorts aimed at secretly dumping Trump in the polls. “I talk to a lot of reporters on background,” said Roger Stone, former Trump adviser and current Trump supporter, to CNN…Stone alleged the RNC was engaging in secret, backdoor dealings to get Trump out of the lead for the Republican Party nomination for president – but sadly admitted he had no proof.


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