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Trump Booted From RedState Confab; Top Aide Gone

Saturday, August 8, 2015 12:18
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Donald Trump’s bluntness, which has won him legions of conservative fans, boomeranged against him Friday when comments about Fox anchor Megyn Kelly prompted RedState founder Erick Erickson to disinvite him from the RedState GOP gathering in Atlanta.

Trump has been attacking Kelly relentlessly since she sharply questioned him during Thursday night’s Fox News GOP candidate debate, saying she “behaved very badly” and her questions were “vicious,” and retweeting a comment that called her a “bimbo.”

But Trump’s hammering of Kelly became too much for Erickson, a leading conservative voice, when the candidate told CNN, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”

Word began to circulate early Saturday afternoon that Trump’s chief political advisor, veteran operative Roger Stone, had left the campaign. Trump’s campaign claimed he was fired, but Stone says he quit.

An email purportedly by Stone to Trump, obtained by Politico, suggested Trump’s battle with Fox News was part of what prompted him to get out:

“Unfortunately, the current controversies involving personalities and provocative media fights have reached such a high volume that it has distracted attention from your platform and overwhelmed your core message,” Stone wrote. “With this current direction of the candidacy, I no longer can remain involved in your campaign.”

Erickson, who is a Fox News contributor, posted the news late Friday on his website that Trump was disinvited from the conference. He wrote:

“As much as I do personally like Donald Trump, his comment about Megyn Kelly on CNN is a bridge too far for me. In a CNN interview, Mr. Trump said of Megyn Kelly, ‘You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.’ It was not the ‘blood coming out of her eyes’ part that was the problem.”

Erickson continued:

“I think there is no way to otherwise interpret Mr. Trump’s comment. In an attempted clarification, Mr. Trump’s team tells me he meant ‘whatever,’ not ‘wherever’ . . . His comment was inappropriate. It is unfortunate to have to disinvite him. But I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong.”

Erickson added that he had invited Megyn Kelly to attend in Trump’s place Saturday night.

Carly Fiorina, the only woman in the GOP primary race, took to Twitter to condemn Trump’s remarks as well. “Mr. Trump. There. Is. No. Excuse,” she wrote. “I stand with @megynkelly.”

Trump tweeted Saturday morning that he was referring to Kelly’s nose: “Re Megyn Kelly quote: ‘you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever’ (NOSE). Just got on w/thought.”

Trump struck back at Erickson Saturday morning, his campaign releasing a statement accusing Erickson of being just the type of “establishment” conservative Trump is campaigning against.

“Erick a total loser, he has a history of supporting establishment losers in failed campaigns so it is an honor to be uninvited from his event,” the statement said. “Mr. Trump is an outsider and does not fit his agenda.”

In potentially going too far with his rhetoric, Trump may be folding what could have been a winning hand. Many conservatives were angered by the questions posed to the candidates by the Fox News anchors, perhaps assuming they would see mostly friendly fire from the network.

It remains to be seen, though, how Trump’s latest controversial comment will play with the conservative base and whether his penchant for bluntly free-associating is now turning against him.

This post originally appeared in LifeZette.


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Total 52 comments
  • Kelly was under orders from the RNC to take Trump out. She is just a lapdog. All three moderators came off like they were Democrats.

    • Like there is a difference, between a Rh Negative Republican and Democrat or Con and Lib.
      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Patriot Act under Bush

      NDAA under Obama

      Bush spent Trillions

      Obama spent Trillions

      Bush covered up 911

      Obama called everyone a Conspiracy Nut, who did not believe the 911 Lie.

      Bush Destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq on a Lie

      Obama Destroying whats left of Iraq, invades Libya and Syria on a Lie

      The list is ENDLESS and you can go back all the way to the Masonic Jew G. Washington, or even farther to the Masonic Jew Columbus, a set-up from the Start.

      Whats that JayZ and other Satanists are Flashing

      Triangular Kabbalistic Signet Indicates Columbus was an Exiled Jew

      Columbus was a Jew named Salvador Fernando Zarco and was among those EXPELLED from Spain in 1492, a rare TRIANGULAR Kabbalistic Signet indicates.

      Spelled G-d = Lucifer

  • Remember that it is in these media personalities and controllers interest to maintain the status Quo.

    They enjoy the paid benefits that the spin doctors and vested interests acquire for them to out right lie.

    Not saying he is or is not the man for the job , but I do enjoy when the foxes get rattled by the rooster in the hen house attacking them. :lol:

    • Its one thing to do your job, but its called BRIBERY when they follow someone else agenda… Just imagine all the “Favors”, money and gifts they get in return to perform their criminal act of being BRIBED on TV like we seen… Notice how fast they moved on once Trump raised his hand, and DID NOT wait 1 second for anyone else to raise their hands, or even ask “who else will do it”? Now if this wasn’t a PLANTED attack, nothing is….


    RedState is just a bunch of no nothing squirrels anyway.

    Praise God!
    Long Live the Republic!

  • Man

    who wants him as a President…

    he sounds like he belongs on jersey shore

    • But he’d be honest and not backstab and straight out LIE to the people! So you like straight out lying vs someone to speak their mind?

      • Man,

        Funny you should bring up the Jersey Shore. It’s just a hop, skip and a jump to Atlantic City….and everyone knows that Trump had properties that he looted there…..and lined his pockets very well, before filing bankruptcy there. But hey….the House always wins, right?

        @ PackersGo……I guess you prefer an honest thief to a slick politician that will lie about stealing from the people by way of government policy.

        • Oh, that is right, CowPie!
          YOU live really, really close to the new jersey shore, don’t you, jed-jen? :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
          :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
          Do you fly to Alabama on week ends to feed the chickens?
          :razz: :razz: :razz:
          :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
          WELL, jedjen?
          DO YA?

          • Just because I’m from Alabama doesn’t mean I haven’t traveled…..extensively…..or that I’m ignorant of geography.

            Who did you get to do all this hacking for you? You truly are limited in your thinking……and you certainly limit others lives in your imaginings……

          • I’ll bet you’ve never been out of Utah. I’ll bet your a girl stuck in a polygamist sect who must answer to a prophet and 16 mothers.

            Likely white as snow, inbred from the 1800′s, and have 180 ‘somewhat’ brothers and sisters. How’d you get a computer? You sneak into the prophets office? You in the ‘joy’ book?

            I sure did learn a lot from my Big Love series collection didn’t I?

            To bad you don’t have a T.V.

          • Scum bag CowPlopper!
            YOU live in new jersey and are a MAN!
            The Pope Of Pompous Galore is YOU, jedadieathedouchebagforchristthewhiteskinnedmanfodFABLE!
            Did you have a platter of BEEF SUPREME at the jersey shore today, you christo-DOG, you?
            :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

          • Well…this is starting to get fun. I can say anything ‘except’ the truth.

            So….let the games begin.

          • Hey, is this the INSANE LUNATIC of a judeo-christo-FREAK that published ALL of his contact information here on BIN a couple of years back?
            Jed Bozo the christo-CLOWN, from new jersey?
            The Pope of Pompous Galore in one of his thousands of BIN ID’s?
            Back on BIN?
            Wasn’t it enough that you put Gail and your son at risk, already, you smelly cowplopper?
            :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

          • You are such a liar. You hacked my computer. You know my real name. Stop pretending.

            And I know YOURS and so does The Federal Trade Commission.

            So…if you want to play games I’ll say it again. I can say anything about accept the truth……just like you do here on the BIN…..

            And if THE BIN still Chooses to let you run rampant…..they can answer for it later. We all have complained about you repeatedly…AND NOW I KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

          • Then come and get me you lying sack of christo-S_i_!
            Judeo-christo-FREAKS LIE as easy as the sun coming up in thre Morning!
            BORN AND BRED LIARS!
            Who would not be if you were brain washed from birth by the all male wrote BOOK OF BABBLE!

          • AND THIS christo-IDIOT, the cowPlopper VOTES!
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
            Which she believes will actually make a difference in government!
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

          • There is something about the way you speak that is so…..fa mi liar.


            Fa mi liar.


  • Erickson is a zio-pig. Just like that can’t under stand normal thinking. Hag.

  • WHO gives a CRAP about Red State and little boy Erikison? Anyone ever heard of the place or Eric? Must be some kind of Democrat Activist.

  • Fox is in the hands of the elite just as the rest of the main media, they do not operate as news agencies but are controllers of agendas or people they wish to promote or tear down.
    FOX may have the appearance of lamb like structure but it to filled with ravenous wolves, some with great attractiveness which works to deceive.

    • If the Republican Party isn’t careful, by edging out Trump, they will get a Dempcrat WIN!! But they are not smart enough to realize that. I look for Trump to go Independent and when this happens, either Trump will win or the Democrats….not the Republicans.

  • Don’t take on Trump.
    He destroys anyone who takes him on.
    ‘White House Dossier’ Trump will destroy you if you go against him so don’t go against him because the birth issue is hitting the fan already right now.

  • You see what I mean about women and Negroes? Look at Carly already standing with Megain, even though Megain did not stand with what Negro rappers call and demean women in their songs, and I guess neither does Knarly.

    ALL PHONY, except Trump. He’s for real. PC foaming at the mouth is what is killing America! Get a grip what Trump called Rosie is true and is all in fun. I mean fat pig, c’mon.

    Ever hear what 50cents call women???

  • If she couldn’t take it she should not have started it. Trump was right about the questions. They were gunning for him. I thought she deserved what she got. She thought she was the only one that could do the shooting. She was wrong.

    • Megan was born and breed NWO by her parents, who are business partners with the Rothschilds. So you see, megan was taught from birth, TO BE ON HER KNEES TO THE NWO AND USE HER MOUTH AS THEY WANT! IF ONLY SHE KNEW HOW TO PLEASE THE 99% LIKE SHE DOES THE 1%…

  • It’s funny to read comments calling Megan a “bimbo”.. usally this comes from some idiot liberal hack who would last about 30 seconds against her in a debate. She’s one of the most intelligent news anchors on TV despite what Fox haters want to say. It would be a pay per view type event, to see her square off against someone like Rachel Maddow. She would destroy her. Regardless, She went overboard against Trump in the debate and shouldn’t have gone after him in that forum, although in all fairness to her, I am sure she was given the order to do so. Trump has every right to be upset, but should be smart enough to figure how to make it work in his favor rather than trying to destroy her as a conservative spokesperson, because he will lose.

    • Megan was born and breed NWO by her parents, who are business partners with the Rothschilds. So you see, megan was taught from birth, TO BE ON HER KNEES TO THE NWO AND USE HER MOUTH AS THEY WANT! IF ONLY SHE KNEW HOW TO PLEASE THE 99% LIKE SHE DOES THE 1%… Explain how her daddy got to be a top 1%, and owns businesses, and is a BILLIONARE… Sure, their is no backstory to the Betch with the Red Knees for the NWO… Imagine the trama being 2 years old and being forced to BE ON HER KNEES AND PRAY FOR THE NWO, who gave daddy everything he ever wanted… Move forward to her today, and you have her history and why she is like she is… You must be Gov paid employee right?

  • NEXT… Who cares about Erick Erick…another phoney maroney

  • I love how the deadbeat Megan Kelly damage control team has to use her fake Wiki self made background on her family life and people automatically believes it as true. IT IS A LIE! That is comparable to 0bama’s US White House profile of his past. Anyone can make anything up, but once they physically start to look at the Ancestary, and how and why her dad “Travels the world over”, you will start to see they have lied on her past. Once they see how he got to own a multimillion dollar home in a exclusive elite area, and are part of the “in” crowd of the Rothschilds, and BOA, etc, her history completely falls apart….

    But she is Born and Breed as the NWO mouthpiece and was taught from the time of her birth to do everything to protect the NWO agenda. This is only the paying back to the Rothschild family for her daddy business success…

    But I still love how everyone reads one self made Wiki history post and think that IS THEIR REAL PAST! That is journalism 101 to do their own research, yet in the US, no one has been taught to do their own independant research, but just copy and paste what they post and trust the source with their life… Will anyone be willing to put their life on the line as this lie being true? Be careful what lies you believe because you will not be on this planet long, if you 100% rely on a fake history page…

    The blonde Betch has the looks, and no one is suppose to see her devil NWO agenda and past… I’d take her on anytime about her past, and once anyone does do their own actual independent research on her past, they will also be able to talk facts about her past she doesn’t want anyone to know… But isn’t that how the NWO works? Pretend it never happened, lie, and coverup? That is what Megan is doing to the masses…

  • “The usual gang of suspects” are creating sympathy for Trump. Sure, Trump may be crude; but these people are as clumsy and obvious as they are despicable. Kelly, Eric Bolling, Sean Hnnity, Bill O’Reilly and the whole gang of “talking heads” at Fox News, should start an escort service. They have both the looks and the morals to be very successful with it.

    • Then maybe they should get Trump to pimp them out. He’d be perfect for the job…..and he has the looks, temperament and morals for it…..

      • Crowpie – I guess you love and wholeheartedly support the current US Gov? You only wish it continue on its same path. You must be on the US Gov payroll, as 11% of the US nations employment “owns”… yeah, only 11% of the entire working force in the USofA works for the US Gov… Enjoy having to stoop to being bribed with money to follow them by drinking their kool aid…

        • So. let me get this straight……You want a professional Pit boss/ casino owner….who is used to anywhere from a 50% to a 75% “House Take”….and the ability to ‘use nefarious mafia tactics’ to handle his business or simply have annoying customers removed or banned from his properties….to be elected into the office that needs to be held by a very slowly angered, very mature, highly educated, extremely well rounded, least likely to be offended man you can find?

          • Ignore another rather smelly verbal-crap from the anus of the most VILE judeo-christo-FREAK on BIN, cowPlopper!
            For, believing in the white-skinned mangod FABLE as she does, SHE, the cowPie, will believe anything!
            The elections in the jew-nited Fraudulent Fascist states of TORTURE, MEDICAL and MILITARY TERROR are honest and NOT fixed!
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
            Left & Right!
            Red and Blue
            Liberal & Conservative!
            Funny names that WAR MONGERING Caucasian male judeo-christo-CREEPS call one another to cover up their common WAR CRIMES, STEALING, AND HOARDING, World Wide, here, in the jew-nited Fraudulent Fascist states of TORTURE, MEDICAL and MILITARY TERROR!
            :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

          • keep talkin’ ring-eye…..

          • Will do, you scum bag!

          • FTC…..easy as 123…..FTC…..123……come on baby just you and me……. :lol:

          • What are you trying to say, ms. Mush Mouth?
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
            Mentally retarded for christ, or, just an arse hole?
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
            Probably both, eh?
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

          • Thanks…yes I say your both of those. You took the words right out of my mouth.

          • You seem to be under the illusion that any self muttered Christian Identity-alist Redneck or WASP Zionist Yankee MIND SLAVES are CAPABLE of individual thought!
            These are the feudal slaves of the powerful WHOEVER that happens to be in Power at the time.
            And, by definition, their definition, they are there to be and be beaten black and blue in all matters.

          • That is where you are sadly mistaken. You are too thick to understand the faith and therefore believe it a prison when in reality it is a release from all captivities.

  • We are all getting a front row seat to who is with us, the people and who is with the NWO. I can only think of one man who they are all ganging up on. The Donald. They are scared because the masses are finally getting it that rest are controlled puppets of the NWO.

    Anyone who backs the system and if fighting truth is one of them. Get It?

    We have to stand with Donald Trump as there no else with the power and the money and power to resist and not just fall in line. This may be our last chance to fight back in a peaceful way.

  • Megan Kelly is just another bubble headed bleached blonde working for the Zionist shills. She takes her orders like a good little dog. We all know if you speak to much truth in this country you will be gone. RNC, DNC, just different wings of the same collectivist bird.

  • Well can Trump now sue for equal time?

  • RedState founder Erick Erickson, Just another Reptile that needs to move on in life, They hate when they start to loose control.
    We Meagy, Did it hurt? Did you bite and got Bitc slapped? Did you tell your daddy?

  • Who cares about the losers at Red State. They more everyone trashes Donald, the more we work to get him eleected.Almost every news story I have read have Trashing Donald Trump. Why because all the good old boys are afraid that someone will be elected that owes no one anything, DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2016

  • Trump may be a bit of a brawler. But his accusations that Kelly, maybe Brett Baer, maybe others, basically conspired to take him out must be examined
    Fox came down to the same level as the New York Times. Was this by design, by careful planning?

    Meanwhile, many of the questions that should’ve been asked were not asked. So you have Kelly in the middle of what is basically a careful plan to do a bad job, possibly a hatchet job. Make her explain her actions. That’s what Eric Erickson should be doing.

  • Warplover I agree. I would still vote for Trump. He is the only candidate that brings fire to the arena. I think he has what it takes to be a great President. Anyone is better than the moron we have in office now. :mrgreen:

  • I suppose I’m occasionally naive in some ways.

    When Trump included the “wherever” in his statement, I thought only ears, nose, or mouth…as has been used to describe a character who is very angry, which is the point I thought Trump was trying to make re: Trump’s perception of Kelly’s attitude.

    I didn’t make the immediate leap to where all the public slamming statements seem to be claiming Trump meant as an exceedingly crude remark.

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