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Is Donald Trump Batman?
Don’t Bum-Rush Donald Trump
Donald Trump Surges Further Ahead of Republican Field
David Pakman
Social media Trump’s biggest asset?
Fox Business
Fox News Anti-Trump Poll Spin?
Frank Luntz: You’re fired
…….Luntz, in a profanity-laden interview with Politico, said both Trump and the Democratic Party’s Bernie Sanders were “delivering a big ‘F––– you’ to the elites in America.” Get the hottest, most important news stories on the Internet – delivered FREE to your inbox as soon as they break! Take just 30 seconds and sign up for WND’s Email News Alerts! Luntz’s tirade went on: “And that resonates on both sides. But ‘F––– you’ doesn’t solve anything. ‘F––– you’ doesn’t make life any better. ‘F––– you’ makes you feel good, but it doesn’t get you where you need to go. ‘F––– you’ doesn’t make American strong. ‘F––– you’ doesn’t solve anything.” Trump issued a stinging response, saying Luntz was acting on a grudge – that he was only angry because Trump refused to do business with his polling firm on a previous occasion. “I caught him cold,” Trump said to Politico. “And frankly, if I was [Fox News CEO] Roger Ailes, I’d fire that guy so fast for what he did that his head would spin.” This latest chapter in a series of Trump vs. Luntz moments, was touched off when Luntz was asked by Politico about the private comments that seem to call into question his objectivity as the man who facilitates the focus groups that appear on Fox News.
Luntz told Business Insider he doesn’t harbor any negative feelings against Trump and is only interested in accurately assessing the presidential race. But some sources told Politico that in the lead-up to the Fox News debates, Luntz actually held a closed-door session to discuss with major donors the pitfalls of a Trump presidency, and concluded the businessman was “turning what we believe [in principles] into a joke,” the news organization reported. The sources also said Luntz said at that same gathering, which was held just before he was due to run the post-debate focus group, Trump was “addicted” to the spotlight, Politico reported. Three days after the session, Fox News hosted the presidential debate, and the focus group roundly panned Trump’s performance as “angry,” “repulsive” and “bombastic.” Luntz, asked about his private remarks about Trump, said: “[People] hear half of the comments or they hear what they want to hear and they get it wrong,” Politico reported…….
Donald Trump Implodes on Simple Question
David Pakman Show
“Trump Terror” – The Donald & The Dollar
The plans do not add up or balance. He claims he wants to oversee an infrastructure programme, bolster defence and veterans’ affairs, cut taxes and protect social security from any cuts and yet he says he is a fiscal conservative, a financial hawk. It may sound fine in the early hustings. However, such a plane will not fly as reality teaches us that one cannot be on both sides of the street. The presidential race could do with a business thinker that is not enmeshed in the DC elite and cosy circle. What was the name again…”Trump”. Oh…I thought it was “Chump”. Maybe Carly Fiorina would be a better business brain to warm up the political party. [ZH: In summary - Everyting is awesome, Trump will destroy us all, Carly for President]
Welcome to the Trump Reality Show…
TRUMP: Hillary Clinton Should Go to Jail for Email Scandal Christopher Greene
Trump’s Military Strategy: Watch Lots Of TV
The Young Turks
Trump Explains Mexican Border Wall Plan
The Young Turks
Still Report #413 Trump’s Immigration Plan
Glenn Beck: I Could Not Vote for Trump. He’s a Progressive
The Case of Donald Trump
Here we are, already far into the war declared by Wall Street and the City of London against Russia and China, with President Obama marching us step-by-step to early nuclear conflagration. The population which should be on its feet, demanding survival, not just for itself but for the entire human race, by insisting on Obama’s impeachment, is, instead, distracted—restive, agitated, knowing something is deeply wrong, but distracted. The heirs of the great Washington, Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt must create and shape a new great Presidency right now if they are to survive, let alone experience their own actual humanity. The national debate, however, does not concern the imminence of war and how to prevent it; rather, we are enticed to be preoccupied with the likes of Donald Trump. We are bombarded with police shootings, chaos, the disintegration of our immediate environment. This is not accidental. By focusing on the methods and history of those who create this controlled and manufactured environment,— namely, the national security gendarmerie in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and related agencies, and their public opinion propagandists,—we could find the keys to defeating the British Empire itself.
……Everything I have written here about Trump is readily and publicly available. Yet, millions of Americans say they are seriously considering this man for the presidency; all the so-called Republican candidates are silent about this perverse story,—a silence which itself should disqualify them all from the Presidency. And again, this reality-TV escapade proceeds while in actual reality, Barack Obama takes step after step on the path to war.
Barbara Boyd