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US fossil fuel lobby outspent green groups 22 times to blunt Obama climate plan

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 19:21
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US fossil fuel lobby outspent green groups 22 times to blunt Obama climate plan | 06 Aug 2015 | There could be half a billion reasons for the concessions US President Barack Obama's 'clean-power plan' made to a defiant energy industry. Electric utilities, oil companies and their allies spent $US502 million ($683 million) on lobbying in the year since the Environmental Protection Agency proposed new regulations on carbon emissions from power plants, according to disclosures reviewed by Bloomberg. That's 22 times more than renewable energy companies and environmentalists spent…The biggest spenders against the plan were the US Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and Caterpillar.


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  • DK

    At least the oil lobby does not masquerade as a charity, the oil lobby does receive state funding, no sector in America now exists without state intervention – pork is everywhere, however Charities have many billions to spend on climate change lobbying such as the Climate Coalition and such groups are global in nature, therefore do not have to declare their influence.

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