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This article certainly can’t be called a blog because it defies all the rules that one must use when blogging. It’s an opinion, by a 75 year old grandmother who climbed on her soapbox today.
Sitting here tonight holding my 3 year old grandson on my lap while watching Paw Patrol on my computer, I suddenly start holding him tighter because I’m scared, I’m mad and I’m angry! I’m tired of the knee jerking and heart breaking “Crap” handed out by the Washington Cartel, Liberal news media and political activists.
Our children and grandchildren deserve a legacy from us that they can embrace and hold close to their hearts with pride. But, what we’re giving them is a life of heartache and we’re the ones that must shoulder the blame for our complacency and who cares “S—t that has allowed the many atrocities committed against our Nation and our people.
In 2008 a dark horse arrived on the scene in 2008 promising better times and offering us a basket full of his supposedly awesome “Hope and Change.” So who is this person, where did he come from and why is a man this corrupt holding the most prestigious position in our Country? Below is a brief recap of 7 years of darkness that has shrouded the most beautiful Country in the World.
Pictures of Bryan Terry flash through my mind and I realize we were a day late and dollar short when it came to nabbing those who were the architects of the “Fast and Furious.” according to the DOJ website. The DOJ website states, Obama funded Fast and Furious and Eric Holder & Napolitano choreographed it.
According to the DOJ website Holder & Napolitano packed their jammies and headed to Mexico with their bag full of tricks called “Fast and Furious.” Holder’s speech to the Mexicans was published on the DOJ website. Napolitano was the go to person delegated to fill in all of the gruesome details on a gun trafficking scam that resulted in 2 brave American boys being murdered along with thousands of Mexican men, women and children. Obama, Holder & Napolitano got away with this murderous scam without a scratch.
Then the sight of 4 of our American men in Benghazi being massacred by terrorists flashed across my mind and tears came to my eyes. Bottom line is this; Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and was too busy with his campaign in Vegas to do his job and protect our men. Clinton knew the night of the attack that it was a “terrorist attack” and she was the one who tweeted that this attack was the result of a video. SHE’S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?
Obama, Clinton & the Liberal News Media got away with the video lie for weeks just long enough for Obama to nab the Presidential Election. Today they are walking around free as birds!
As is Obama & Hilary’s DNA there’s a strong possibility that Chris Stevens knew too much and maybe it was time to shut Chris Stevens down because he was interfering with the Obama Presidential campaign. Obama & Clinton have a very shady past that includes many murders, suicides and American lives lost so why should I trust either one of them? The one thing I do know both knew that our 4 American men had been massacred by terrorists.
Then a picture of Bowe Berghdahl flashes across my mind and it reminds me that 5 senior Taliban commanders (all terrorists) were released in exchange for one deserter. Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood worshipper didn’t even flinch or try to give us a reasonable explanation for his actions. In fact he’s planted several Muslim Brotherhood snitches in our Government and he’s hosted little cozy meetings with terrorists.
Then I’m reminded that his half – brother ( Malik Obama) is using American money to fund terrorist organization via his non – profit ORGANIZATION , Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF).How stupid we are to allow Obama to filter money to terrorists, but that too is part of his DNA and he’s been funding and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood since his inauguration and before.
Fast forward to Fort Hood where Major Nidal Hasan killed 13 in a terrorist attack and injured many others. Obama shrugs and calls this terrorist attack, “Workplace Violence.”
Along with that Obama has established havens and refuge for illegal aliens, drug dealers or terrorists called sanctuary cities. He’s opened our borders and has ensured that any and all illegal aliens not only can cross our borders, but will receive all the amenities of a citizen of the USA. He ignores the American families who have had loved ones murdered, raped and maimed by the illegal aliens. Obama is not a leader but an influencer or ideological collaborator.
ISIS or DAESH comes to mind next and never in my wildest dreams did I believe him when he shrugged once again calling them the JV team. DAESH in Arabic means to “Trample Out Under Foot or Crush.” DAESH is moving at the speed of lightening devouring anything and everything that gets in their way.
I sit here holding my grandson tighter and tighter for I fear that we American people have allowed our Country to be taken over by what I refer to as terrorists. The legal definition of “terrorist” is a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.
Lastly I hide my head in shame when I see our men and women in blue being crushed by the Obama terrorist group which includes Soros, the Black Panthers, Code Pink and many other activist organizations. The racial divide has been created by none other than Barack Obama and his cohorts who have fanned the racial fires as is seen in the nasty, despicable protests by groups like “Black People Matters.”
So where do we go from here, how do we protect the next generations or has America spiraled into a pit of evil so dark and evasive that we have totally lost control? It’s going to take strong Americans like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina to help us take back our Country. We don’t need politicians; we need fighters who love their Country and Americans.
Thanks for lending an ear and yes I of all people realize that I asked you today to watch a horror movie that has no end in the near future – it keeps going, going and going.
Call Obama whatever you like, but personally and last time I checked I still have enough of my freedom left to call him traitor and borderline terrorist because he not only wishes harm on America, but personally is assisting those who want to destroy our Country.
May God Bless America
As Always
Little Tboca