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By Dr. William B. Mount
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An Amazing Thing Is About To Occur In Idaho

Monday, September 7, 2015 21:35
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(Before It's News)

An incredible thing is about to happen in Sand Point Idaho in about 2 weeks.


(((Please Prayer – Visualize – that millions of people are drawn from around the world to repent through this live broadcast)))


On the 18-20 September there will be an incredible Prayer Meeting in Central Sand Point featuring Prayer for America to repent.


The DAYS OF AWE CONFERENCE – a Solemn Assembly will occur in Sand Point Idaho for 3 incredible days.


Michael Snyder form the economic Collapse Blog, Benjamin Baruch =, Nathan Leal and Lyn Leahz are organizing a National Call to Prayer and Repentance on the weekend of 18-20 September. The main event is going to be held in Sand Point, Idaho at the Sand Point Events Center right in the heart of Sand Point.


The event will be on Live Stream on Lyn Leahz’ You Tube Channel during the entire weekend.


Hear is the Physical Address:


102 Euclid Ave #306, Sand Point, Idaho 83864


There are some amazing speakers lined up and the entire event features – Prayer. More details can be found on the following website:


The Days of Awe Conference – A Solemn Assembly in Sandpoint, Idaho – September 18th to 20th


No TV Enangelists will be speaking to my knowledge and they will not pass the Kentucky Fried Chicken Buckets asking for donations.


Please also keep in mind that Steve Santilly is also still marching outside Senator McCain’s Office in Phoenix Arizona asking why McCain has allowed the Obama Regime to violate the Constitution and United States Code 38 and destroy the Veteran’s Pension.


Video on Operation Detain M… on Livestream



May GOD bless this weekend of Prayer and immediately immobilize for life.all who seek to destroy the weekend.


May the Living GOD stop the Obama regime False Flag planned for Boston and New York on, or around 9/11, and stop the planned School Shooting in the center of he nation.


One last note: There are projects sprouting up all over the planet to measure Cosmic Rays and try and determine where they are coming from. These COSMIC RAYS are supposed to emanate form outside Planet Earth. In this way the Fallen Angels that inhabit our “World Leaders” can determine where they were thrown out of and how to get home.


Here is the problem: About 90% of all “Cosmic Rays” emanate form inside Earth’s atmosphere. This will not only screw up the data but destroy their ability to correlate the available information.


It is caused by separate Harmonics crashing into each other in a very predictable fashion.


See India’s N-1 Generator – which pumps out power captured form this phenomenon.


… And .. you are going to shoot down the Fleet of Yeshua with Lasers and Missiles 14 September 2015?


HE will come how HE wants, when HE wants and where HE wants to and your astronomers will not even see it coming. Not with your Radar, not with your electronics, not with your observatories, and not with your Lucifer Telescope who’s lenses are coated with the Iris’s of 10,00 dead Etheopean Children stacked like Cord Wood in that nation.


Since you have not down as HE has asked you to do – (Putin – This One’s For You) there will be Hell To Pay.


A Noote For the Teflon FDOn – DOnald Trump. Hillary has put out a Hit ofn you fo late September/Early October 2015.


If this fails then she plans (Her Handlers Plan) a huge smear campaign on you to get you out of the race.


You have my number Donald. God wants you alive as the foreign nations can actually work with you, unlike the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama Handlers.


Expect some assistance form outside your normal group of handlers, if you heed GOD’s Advice.   


12 Sep – Putin

17 Sep – Obama

28 Sep – The Trump


Pray – Visualize – that these efforts at assassination backfire.


The News You Need


Ambassador William B Mount




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