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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton by 9 in New Hampshire, Gains in Iowa: Poll – Why Is There A TV Media Black Out On Bernie? Feel The Bern!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 1:00
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(Before It's News)

Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a nine-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and he’s gained ground on her among Iowa voters in the Democratic presidential race, according to a pair of brand-new NBC News/Marist polls.

In New Hampshire, the Vermont senator gets the support of 41 percent of Democratic voters, Clinton gets 32 percent and Vice President Joe Biden gets 16 percent. No other Democratic candidate receives more than 1 percent.

Back in July’s NBC/Marist poll, Clinton was ahead of Sanders in the Granite State by 10 points, 42 percent to 32 percent, with Biden at 12 percent.

Without Biden in the race, Sanders’ lead over Clinton in the current survey increases to 11 points, 49 percent to 38 percent.

In Iowa, Clinton maintains her previous advantage over Sanders — but her lead has declined from 24 points in July (49 percent to 25 percent) to 11 points (38 percent to 27 percent); Biden sits at 20 percent.

Meanwhile, in the Republican presidential race, Donald Trump now holds a seven-point lead in Iowa and a 16-point one in New Hampshire.

In the Hawkeye State, Trump gets the support from 29 percent of potential GOP caucus-goers, while Ben Carson receives 22 percent. There’s a steep drop off after that: Jeb Bush gets 6 percent; Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul and Scott Walker get 5 percent; and Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal are at 4 percent.

In July, Walker was ahead of the Iowa Republican field at 19 percent, Trump was second at 17 percent and Bush was third at 12 percent.

In the Granite State, Trump is at 28 percent — followed by John Kasich at 12 percent, Carson at 11 percent, Bush at 8 percent and Fiorina at 6 percent; Walker is down to 4 percent.

Back in July, the top three in New Hampshire were Trump (21 percent), Bush (14 percent) and Walker (12 percent)

Amid speculation that Biden might enter the 2016 presidential race, the NBC/Marist polls found that the vice president is more popular than Clinton — among both Democrats and the general electorate.

And they show that he matches up better in general-election contests than Clinton does.

In Iowa, she holds a 67 percent/27 percent favorable/unfavorable score among Democrats, and just a 32 percent/61 percent score among all registered voters.

By comparison, Biden’s numbers among Democrats are 74 percent/17 percent, and among registered voters they sit at 42 percent/44 percent.

In New Hampshire, Clinton holds a 69 percent/27 percent favorable/unfavorable score among Democrats, and 36 percent/60 percent among all registered voters.

In contrast, Biden’s numbers among Granite State Democrats are 76 percent/17 percent, and among registered voters they are 46 percent/43 percent.

And in hypothetical general-election contests, the NBC/Marist polls found that Jeb Bush and Donald Trump both beat Clinton in Iowa:

  • Bush 50 percent, Clinton 39 percent
  • Trump 48 percent, Clinton 43 percent.

But Biden performs better:

  • Bush 46 percent, Biden 44 percent
  • Biden 49 percent, Trump 45 percent

In New Hampshire, the general-election numbers are:

  • Bush 48 percent, Clinton 43 percent
  • Clinton 46 percent, Trump 45 percent
  • Bush 46 percent, Biden 45 percent
  • Biden 50 percent, Trump 41 percent.

The NBC/Marist poll of Iowa was conducted Aug. 26-Sept. 2 of 998 registered voters (margin of error +/- 3.1 percentage points), 390 potential GOP caucus-goers (+/- 5.0) and 345 potential Democratic caucus-goers (+/- 5.3).

The NBC/Marist poll of New Hampshire was conducted Aug. 26-Sept. 2 of 966 registered voters (+/- 3.2%), 413 potential GOP primary voters (+/- 4.8) and 356 potential Democratic primary voters (+/- 5.2).


Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy

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