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Nothing else but reason and evidence can help us find the answers we seek, especially when the subject of a discussion is seen through the magnifying glass of morality. This is the case of the current migrant crisis in Europe, where tens of thousands of North Africans and Middle Eastern refugees arrive every month in search for a better future. There is no doubt that western interventionism is the root cause, although not the only one, of the current influx of war refugees into western Europe. It is not karma or payback, it is simply the direct result of endless wars, government-sponsored terrorism corruption. As we have pointed out before, the governments of the United States and those of its European allies are directly responsible for the destabilization of the Middle East and Northern Africa, hence their responsibility for the ongoing migrant crisis. As it is often done with the issue of environmental destruction, some people like to blame everyone in the U.S. and western Europe for the migrant crisis, when those truly responsible are part of the political power structure and the military. As explained by philosopher Stephan Molyneux, the migrant crisis is one of those subjects that is often analyzed with emotion instead of with evidence and reason. It is natural, humans are sentimental and emotional beings, however, when trying to assign responsibility for a crime, it is necessary to think, analyze and carry out discussions having evidence and reason as the closest aides. “Emotionally compelling arguments by their very definition need to be rigidly examined and resisted – to avoid intellectual bigotry, we must subject seductive arguments to the greatest tests,” argues Molyneux in one of his latest videos where he explains why Europeans, as a people, do not owe anything to the migrants. In the same argument, Molyneux explains that many of the people who argue in favor of opening the doors to most if not all migrants, are the least likely to do so themselves. As in many other cases including social justice, equality of gender, racial division and so on, people who publicly express their desire to ‘help’ the migrants expect others to do so. Perhaps the most important aspect of Molyneux’s explanation is that no western population should be held accountable for the mistakes made by elected or unelected representatives as it is now being proposed in the United States and Europe, where the very same politicians who are directly and indirectly responsible for the wars and the destruction of the Middle East and northern Africa are incessantly calling for opening the borders to all migrants seeking asylum. The argument that Europeans do not owe it to the migrants to open the borders and let everyone in should not be understood as a lack of solidarity, lack of empathy or carelessness towards those fleeing their war-thorn countries. Instead, it is an argument that seeks to explain that one whole continent should not be destroyed in order to save people from another continent. As we have previously reported, sponsoring wars in the Middle East and Africa is one of the tools being used by the global power structure to destabilize the rest of the planet. The stability of Europe and the future of the Europeans or the Americans should not be compromised by letting in hundreds of thousand of migrants. It is not by destroying western societies that future catastrophes will be prevented. See below Stephan Molyneux’s complete argument on the notion of “Why Europe Owes The Migrants Nothing”. Remember: it is a rational and evidence-based argument, not an emotionally-charged one.
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