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How China’s “Star Wars” Superiority Neutralizing America’s Nuclear Supremacy Affects U.S. National Security and Every “Free World” Citizen. –

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 23:45
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OFFICIAL WEBSITE and Space Pearl Harbor Central Information Site

Educational Resources Published for Public Safety, Health, and Decision-Making Pursuant to “Game Changing” Facts in the “Space Race.”

How China’s “Star Wars” Superiority Neutralizing America’s Nuclear Supremacy Affects U.S. National Security and Every “Free World” Citizen.



Leonard Horowitz,

DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.)


Sherri Kane



Welcome to the Space Pearl Harbor Central, the central public forum containing educational resources, including links to: 1) the free Space Pearl Harbor Video; 2) the Space Pearl Harbor e-book (available by a small donation after September 8, 2015); 3) three articles published by these authors on; 4) links to many referenced articles, including governmental and technical reports concerning “advanced optics” and the “Star Wars” platform increasingly ceded by the United States to China. These facts shall surely impact economics, geopolitics, private commercial interests, and military factors forces bearing on U.S. National Security; 5) Petitions below for you to sign to send your opposition comments to officials in charge of the Thirty Meter Telescope (“TMT”) project atop Mt. Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii (that prompted this public service in progress); 6) a “” website developed to help non-lawyer citizens combat corrupt lawyers and judges while administering their pro se cases (Note: this valuable service is free to activists of the “Free Mauna Kea” movement and anyone who has been arrested in this cause in Hawaii. This website largely contains Hawaii laws and legal cases for study and use in your litigation(s)); and 7)–an information-packed resource vetting disgusting abuses of the American judicial system inviting your own stories and participation as a news reporter. Consequently, your contributions and submissions are greatly appreciated, including spreading this valuable website and important information to others.




1) Space Pearl Harbor Video (free viewing)


space pearl harbor image

Click Image to View the Space Pearl Harbor Video


















2) SPACE PEARL HARBOR e-book (released Sept. 8, 2015; small donation requested)


3) Related Articles published by these authors on


    a) The Thirty Meter Telescope (“TMT”) and Treason on   Mauna Kea;

    b) Questions & Answers on TMT and the Military; and

    c) Space Pearl Harbor (article)




Tribune Herald Conspiracy Theory Article


Click this Letter to Editor David Bock of the Hawaii Tribune Herald to read Space Pearl Harbor author Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s correction to the publication calling this information a “conspiracy theory.”





U.S.-China Economic Security Commission Report, Feb. 18, 2015, U.S. Congress: China’s Space and Counterspace Programs

Did adaptive optics end the Cold War?

Starfire Optical Range Directed Energy Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory

Star War Lasers Assure American Naval Domination over China

International Traffic in Arms Regulations – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Advanced Photosensors For Laser Beacon Adaptive Optics on the Starfire Optical Range


Obama’s Lost in Space: Administration approves controversial export license allowing sensitive space technology transfer to China


Punching the U.S. Military’s “Soft Ribs”: China’s Antisatellite Weapon Test in Strategic Perspective


India Signs Up for Multi-crore TMT Project: Co-Chair of TMT Says Telescope with “Segmented Mirrors” Useful for “Spy Satellites”


Courting the Dragon. Russia sells China Optical Technology for War Against America


The Battle Above: U.S. and China are locked in a high stakes contest over satellites that are critical to national security and everyday life

Air Force Directed Energy Directorate: StarWars Projects


China’s Escalating Military Power: Global and Regional Impact. Report from India by the Chennai Centre for China Studies


India Admits Spy Satellites Mirror Tech







India Systems for World’s Largest Telescope: Government Says TMT Will Give Them Next Generation “Spy Satellite” Technology


Adaptive Optics Development Program NSF 2011: TMT Shares Cost with USAF Starfire Optical Range (SOR) at Kirtland Air Force Base


NASA Lincoln Labs Next Generation of Laser Communications


Globalization States, and the Health of Indigenous Peoples, American Journal of Public Health by Stephen J. Kunitz, MD, PhD




1. Hawaii’s Revised Statutes (HRS) § 705-520 defines a “Criminal conspiracy,” as when “A person . . . with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of a crime: (1)  He agrees with one or more persons that they or one or more of them will engage in or solicit the conduct or will cause or solicit the result specified by the definition of the offense; and (2)  He or another person with whom he conspired commits an overt act in pursuance of the conspiracy. [L 1972, c 9, pt of §1]” Case notes pursuant to this law explains, “a crime defined in terms of conduct that creates a risk of harm, such as reckless” Internet publishing to conceal scientific and military intelligence to defraud the public for financial gain, or gaining property, such as the TMT construction, Mauna Kea property, the CCID-61 military technology, is a felony punishable under U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 63 › § 1343, by payment of a $1,000,000 fine, or imprisoned between 20- 30 years, depending, in this case, whether a national emergency results from the fraudulent concealments reported herein. “In this situation the conduct rather than any result it may produce is the element of the crime, and it would suffice for guilt of conspiracy that the actor’s purpose is to promote or facilitate such conduct – for example, if” one author of falsely published Internet information schemed or agreed with another person to deceive the public, he could be held criminally liable under these State and federal laws.


2. Lists of enemy or ally of enemy officers, directors or stockholders of corporations in United States


“Any person in the United States who holds or has or shall hold or have custody or control of any property beneficial or otherwise, alone or jointly with others, of, for, or on behalf of an enemy or ally of enemy, or of any person whom he may have reasonable cause to believe to be an enemy or ally of enemy and any person in the United States who is or shall be indebted in any way to an enemy or ally of enemy, or to any person whom he may have reasonable cause to believe to be an enemy or ally of enemy, shall, with such exceptions and under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe, . . . or within thirty days after such property shall come within his custody or control, or after such debt shall become due, report the fact to the alien-property custodian by written statement under oath containing such particulars as said custodian shall require. The President may also require a similar report of all property so held, of, for, or on behalf of, and of all debts so owed to, any person now defined as an enemy or ally of enemy, on February third, nineteen hundred and seventeen: Provided, That the name of any person shall be stricken from the said report by the alien property custodian, either temporarily or permanently, when he shall be satisfied that such person is not an enemy or ally of enemy. The President may extend the time for filing the lists or reports required by this section for an additional period not exceeding ninety days.


3. Contracts, mortgages, or pledges against or with enemy or ally of enemy; abrogation of contracts; suspension of limitations. . . .

(b) Any contract entered into prior to the beginning of the war between any citizen of the United States or any corporation organized within the United States, and an enemy or ally of an enemy, the terms of which provide for the delivery, during or after any war in which a present enemy or ally of enemy nation has been or is now engaged, of anything produced, mined, or manufactured in the United States, may be abrogated by such citizen or corporation by serving thirty days’ notice in writing upon the alien property custodian of his or its election to abrogate such contract.


Claims to property transferred to custodian; notice of claim; filing; return of property; suits to recover; sale of claimed property in time of war or during national emergency

(a) Any person not an enemy or ally of enemy claiming any interest, right, or title in any money or other property which may have been conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid to the Alien Property Custodian or seized by him hereunder and held by him or by the Treasurer of the United States, or to whom any debt may be owing from an enemy or ally of enemy whose property or any part thereof shall have been conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid to the Alien Property Custodian or seized by him hereunder and held by him or by the Treasurer of the United States may file with the said custodian a notice of his claim under oath and in such form and containing such particulars as the said custodian shall require; and the President, if application is made therefor by the claimant, may order the payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery to said claimant of the money or other property so held by the Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United States, or of the interest therein to which the President shall determine said claimant is entitled: . . . 

Then the President, without any application being made therefor, may order the payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of such money or other property held by the Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United States, or of the interest therein to which the President shall determine such person entitled, either to the said owner or to the person by whom said property was conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian: . . .”


Finally, these authors cite the risk of espionage at the TMT completely neglect by the project’s advocates. According to the recent report to Congress on these matters, “It is difficult to develop a comprehensive picture of how much aerospace and defense technology China acquires through espionage, but open source reporting on the subject strongly suggests that espionage, both traditional forms and cyber-espionage, constitute an important avenue for the acquisition of aerospace and defense technology, including space-focused technologies.


“A March 2014 Department of Justice report detailing major US export enforcement, economic espionage, trade secret and embargo-related criminal cases from January 2008 through March 2014 included over two dozen cases of prosecuted espionage regarding / theft of controlled items relevant to China’s space and broader aerospace programs, such as: multiple cases focused on thermal imaging cameras and aerospace grade carbon fiber as well as cases involving electronics used in military radar and electronic warfare; radiation hardened materials and gyroscopes; military accelerators; military optics; unmanned systems; rocket / space launch technical data; restricted electronics equipment; source code; and the theft of space shuttle and rocket secrets for China.” (Quoted from pg. 100, Congressional Report. Emphasis added.)





Hōʻole TMT (We oppose TMT)


TMT Observatory Petition


Stop TMT Construction and Arrests of Mauna Kea Protectors




Click on the banner below to sign the final petition.

- See more at:

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