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US-led coalition airstrike kills 11 Afghan anti-drug police in opium-dense Helmand province, Interior Ministry says

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 0:43
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Just in case anyone is wondering *why* the US is *still* in Afghanistan: Protecting the CIA's poppy fields and opium routes seems to be the prime directive. US-led coalition airstrike kills 11 Afghan anti-drug police in opium-dense Helmand province, Interior Ministry says | 08 Sept 2015 | A US-led coalition airstrike killed 11 Afghan anti-drug police officers in southern Afghanistan, the Interior Ministry said Monday. Amid conflicting reports, NATO has denied responsibility. The airstrike hit the unstable, opium-rich province of Helmand on Sunday, AFP cited officials as saying. “Eleven counter-narcotics police were killed and four others were wounded in an airstrike carried out by international forces in the Garmsir district of Helmand province,” deputy Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish said.


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