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Bill Holter on the “Truth Bomb”

Thursday, October 8, 2015 18:51
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Is the “Truth Bomb” Being Released? – Bill Holter |

……….If one does not think that the world is watching and taking notes they are mistaken! So my suggestion is that Putin did drop a Truth Bomb at the UN in a diplomatic fashion and is backing up his accusations with actions ( to our liking or not).” J.H.

The above in my opinion is close to spot on but only the beginning of some very stark “truths” about to come public. What is occurring in the Middle East (and hardly being reported on by our bought and biased media) is quite simple, the U.S. is being KICKED OUT! Russia has taken the bull by the horns and within less than a week knocked the crap out of ISIS …which is what we should have done …but have not because “truth” be known, the CIA funds ISIS. THIS is exactly what Mr. Putin was alluding to when he said “we know everything. ”
Yes I understand he was answering a question regarding the Ukraine “coup” when he made this statement of knowing everything …but I do believe he meant EVERYTHING! Russia, now being joined by China is exposing the lack of control and thus POWER in the Middle East by the U.S.. The “flows” of capital which have supported the petrodollar all these years will soon be “crimped”. I believe next we should watch to see if anything significantly changes in the Ukraine. Does Russia become more forceful or does U.S. support of western Ukraine lessen?
Ultimately I believe the “big one” will be dropped at a most inopportune time. In my opinion, Western markets will be shortly moving toward seizure mode, it is my expectation they will receive a little added nudge. Can you imagine if while western markets are convulsing in currency, credit and equity markets, Mr. Putin makes “crazy” accusations of outright frauds and false flag events committed by the U.S.? Worse, what if he actually backs these allegations with proof? Or incontrovertible proof?
To ask the obvious, what if Mr. Putin, joined and backed by the Chinese were to come out with “proof” of U.S. dirty doings at the same time he pushes further militarily in the Middle East, Ukraine, or politically in the Koreas, Europe or elsewhere? Will the American people remain asleep or will they finally wake up and say “NO MORE!”? This is a very important question because I do believe the American people still, deep down have a sense of right and wrong even if our leaders do not. Will the populace suddenly lose the stomach to support global bullying tactics because the release of a “truth bomb”?
Of course the other side of the coin is the U.S. will not have the ability to war (other than pushing buttons) if the dollar were to suddenly fail on a global basis because confidence collapses. It is this confidence collapse in my opinion which is hoped for by Russia (and the Chinese) as a way to avert outright war and aggression. It is however pretty clear at this point, Russia is moving and the U.S. is not. Mr. Putin has been sending a very clear message over the last week, they will be pushed no more and they have taken the gloves off. “Truth” I believe is a weapon included in his arsenal!

Standing watch, Bill Holter


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