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Did Biden Bow Out To Save Hillary From Prosecution?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 15:04
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(Before It's News)

      Today, Joe Biden bowed out of the presidential race.  This, undoubetedly, clears the path for Hillary Clinton to waltz into the Democratic nomination and probably the Whitehouse.  Bernie Sanders is entertaining and gives an element of suspense to an otherwise boring Democratic primary, but Sanders has as much chance of getting the Democratic nomination as his rendition of This Land Is Your Land has of reaching number one on the charts.  .  Hillary will be coronated Primary Queen.  The question of whether Hilary would face consequences for Benghazi or her e-mail scandal was answered today at Uncle Joe’s press conference. Biden, for all his gaffes and blunders, knew that today was his deadline to decide on the election, for tomorrow, Ms. Clinton goes before the Benghazi committee and the committee members needed to know if they were ot go after her with substance or give her a pass.  Partisanship is an illusion and tomorrow’s hearing is an exercise in hoodwinking America into believing that there is a difference in Republicans and Democrats, while at the same time, paving the way for a Hillary Clinton presidencey.  

      Biden may be a rabid liberal with outrageous ideas about the role of government, but anyone who knows him personally will agree that he is a decent man, and a loyal friend.  Knowing he had Obama’s support, Uncle Joe also knew that his decision to run would spell disaster for Clinton, as the President would have removed his protection from the erstwhile e-mailer.  Now Clinton can expect only token resitance from the the Benghai hearings and a cakewalk into the Whitehouse.   

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