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Hillary says women candidates shouldn’t get special treatment

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 12:09
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This is yet another issue Hillary has flipflopped on.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton says Republican rival Carly Fiorina should not be judged any differently just because she is the only woman candidate in the Republican presidential race.

“I’m always in favor of women running,” she told TIME in an exclusive interview. “But people need to hold women’s policies up to light and determine what their answers to problems would be before deciding to support them. I’m willing to subject myself to that process and try to earn every vote; I assume any woman running would do the same.”

Let’s examine that premise.

Back in 2008, Clinton’s campaign accused her opponents of being mean to her:

“John Edwards, specifically, as well as the press, would never attack Barack Obama for two hours the way they attacked her,” said Geraldine A. Ferraro, the 1984 vice presidential candidate who supports Mrs. Clinton. “It’s O.K. in this country to be sexist,” Ms. Ferraro said.

“It’s certainly not O.K. to be racist. I think if Barack Obama had been attacked for two hours — well, I don’t think Barack Obama would have been attacked for two hours.”

Mrs. Clinton’s opponents, and some prominent women, countered that Mrs. Clinton was resorting to using her sex as a shield against substantive criticism in a hard-fought race.

And not just once:

Democrat Barack Obama accused rival Hillary Clinton on Friday of hiding behind her gender after her campaign complained six male candidates engaged in “the politics of pile on” at a debate.

Obama, the only black candidate in the U.S. presidential race, told NBC’s “Today” show that Clinton is widely viewed as a tough figure in national politics.

“So it doesn’t make sense for her, after having run that way for eight months, the first time that people start challenging her point of view, that suddenly she backs off and says: ‘Don’t pick on me,’” he said.

She cried in New Hampshire, it what can only be seen as a calculated attempt to humanize the un-humanizable. During 2008, her media sycophants called any criticism of Hillary ‘misogyny.’ And the behavior has continued:

Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton complained that the media has a “double standard” for women, on the one hand running them through the mill of public service and on the other, pressing them to bounce back in the face of all types of adversity.

She said, while serving as a panelist for the Women in the World Summit in New York: “There is a double standard, obviously. We have all experienced it or at the very least seen it. … The double standard is alive and well, and I think in many respects, the media is the principal propagator of its persistence,” Politico reported.

Hillary Clinton has made a career of playing the poor-aggrieved-woman-being-smacked-about-by-partriarcy card since at least 1992. If she had ever once been judged by the same standards as a man she would have disappeared back into some Arkansas trailer park. The idea that she wants women candidates judged by the same standards as men only applies if she is trying to bait the media into attacking a female opponent.

The post Hillary says women candidates shouldn’t get special treatment appeared first on RedState.


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