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Is the New World Order Dying? Part 2 {each of the 16 points explained at this link]
By Bernie Suarez
In 2014 I wrote about how the new world order plans sustained quite a few noticeable and uncomfortable setbacks, enough for anyone paying attention to take notice and wonder if 2015 would be worse for the global elite. Well it’s not quite the end of 2015 (as of the time of this article) and already there are signs all around us that the Western cabal’s new world order plans could be slowly dying.
Some people would consider this overly optimistic. My response to that is to point out that the journey to human freedom versus enslavement is a dynamic process with ups and downs. Those pushing for a one world government are fighting to prevent awakening and true revolution. They’re fighting to keep people unaware, confused and uninformed about significant domestic and global events. Yes, I agree at times it seems like things are getting worse. But I also notice that when things turn for the worse, things soon afterward often turn for the better. The net result is more than ever people are not believing mainstream media news. One minute we see that the “Strong Cities Network” new world order plans are rolling forward, the next minute we see how U.S. lies about arming terrorist in Syria are being exposed globally. Again, the net result is that in this dynamic process things are trending toward mass awakening and solutions. I interpret this as a possible sign that we are very likely witnessing the slow eventual death of the new world order whose existence is becoming less and less probable as more and more people wake up to the globalist plans.
There is change in the air. Orders and paradigms change all the time. Even the very phrase “new world order” is fading away as the globalist opt for terms like “Agenda 2030” whose participation is voluntary leaving it vulnerable to an awakened public. But the full prospects of an Orwellian mechanized brainwashed obedient society that the eugenic controllers dream about seems to be off course and off schedule. I believe there is growing evidence for several years in a row now that the plans of the new world order are dying. This death is the primary reason for the attacks on the Internet. Truth seekers should focus on ways to protect the Internet and free speech as an open Internet I believe all but ensures the defeat of the new world order. What do you think? Is the new world order dying or not? Here are some examples of stories and narratives that have not exactly helped the new world order plans. These examples are in no particular order as they are all important signs of this slow dying process.
1. Russia, Putin dismantle ISIS psyop with direct bombing campaign and new accord with partner nations.
2. TV reporter “live” shooting false flag falls completely apart… then disappears from news prompting second seemingly staged shooting one month later.
3. 2016 Presidential candidates continually taking jabs at globalist plans … starting to sound like “conspiracy” theorists.
4. Bizarre desperate and futile attempt to sell repackaged new world order plans using the Pope falls mostly on deaf and inattentive ears.
5. U.S. geopolitical strategies and provocations are now regularly failing.
6. United Nations keeps trying to outline new rules for new world order, no one takes them seriously.
7. “Conspiracy theories” now commonly being adopted as reality in some churches and other important sectors of life.
8. Attempted secrecy from political leaders and agencies now backfires in ways it never did before.
9. The mainstream media primary portal of information is slowly dying.
10. Local police pull together, take jab at Big Pharma corruption and greed.
11. U.S. blows up hospital in Afghanistan – Doctors and International community call for war crimes charges before it can be blamed on terrorists.
12. Despite ongoing false flag “mass shootings”, control system not able to pass gun laws legislation.
13. Monsanto losses continue to mount, inching closer to collapse.
14. Police departments nationwide forced to give back grenade launchers, bayonets and tanks.
15. Climate alarmist caught in largest scandal in U.S. history.
16. Texas governor orders federal BLM agents to get out of Texas!
…..The battle is ongoing and we can’t ever assume the battle is over all already won. We are nowhere near that point, however the victories are all around us. Victories and accomplishments we could not have imagined just a few years ago.