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For Immediate Release
Contact: Sabrina E. Williams, 202/683-4883, [email protected]
New Report Finds Chemical Industry Is “Bl owing Smoke” When It Claims Self-Regulation Works
Seven “Responsible Care®” Program Companies – including Six Profitable American Chemistry Council Board Members – Own and Operate Facilities with Multiple Serious Violations of Worker Safety and Environmental Rules
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22, 2015—In a new report and interactive map released today, Blowing Smoke, the Center for Effective Government finds that a significant number of chemical manufacturing facilities are endangering workers and our environment, despite what the chemical industry tells policymakers, regulators, and the American public.
“Every two days, there is a reportable leak or explosion at a U.S. chemical plant,” said Katherine McFate, president and CEO of the Center for Effective Government. “But the chemical industry keeps telling us companies can regulate themselves and no new oversight is needed.”
The chemical industry spends tens of millions of dollars a year fighting bills and standards designed to better protect the workers in their facilities and the communities nearby. For more than a quarter century, the industry’s trade association, the American Chemistry Council (ACC), has operated a voluntary program that it claims can improve industry performance and safety without new requirements to shift to safer substances and production processes when they are available.
New data, compiled and analyzed by the Center for Effective Government (CEG), calls these industry promises into question. In Blowing Smoke: Chemical Companies Say “Trust Us,” But Environmental and Workplace Safety Violations Belie their Rhetoric, CEG looks critically at enforcement data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The data was prepared in coordination with the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First.
The report identifies four problems with our nation’s system of regulating chemicals:
This weak regulatory system puts workers and nearby communities at risk. We found 1,483 chemical manufacturing facilities with serious workplace or environmental violations in the past three to five years operating in communities in almost every state; 64 of these facilities had more than 20 serious violations each. (See our map to see if one of these worst offenders is near you). In fact, seven manufacturing facilities had more than 50 serious violations each.
Twelve large chemical companies own 89 chemical manufacturing facilities with multiple serious workplace safety and environmental violations; together, they were responsible for 644 serious violations of workplace or environmental rules. (58 percent of manufacturing facilities were not inspected during this time, so these numbers are very likely an undercount of actual violations.)
Seven members of the American Chemistry Council, including six of its board members (DuPont, Dow Chemical, Honeywell International, BASF, Chemtura, and Arkema) were among the dozen companies. One hundred twenty-five serious violations were found at the inspected plants owned by DuPont, 78 at Arkema's inspected plants, and 49 at Mitsubishi's inspected plants. Each of these companies is an ACC member, and as such is supposed to operate facilities according to Responsible Care® guidelines.
“The Responsible Care® program at the ACC is not working. Self-regulation leaves workers and communities at risk,” said Brian Gumm, author of the report and senior policy analyst with CEG. “The environmental and workplace safety violations at these facilities are clear evidence that we need to strengthen enforcement of our nation's existing chemical safety policies and require the use of safer substances and manufacturing processes to reduce the risks of harm to American workers and people in communities near these plants.”
CEG recommends four solutions:
The report and interactive map are available at Look for the release of a new database, the Violation Tracker, from Good Jobs First next week.
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