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Ted Cruz: Laura Ingraham; O’Reilly; Q & A Rob Gates & Sanctuary Cities Floor Speech

Sunday, October 25, 2015 3:15
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  • Ted Cruz… an outstanding brilliant man with integrity…. we need many more like him. God knows Congress is extremely lacking of integrity or honesty, etc., or any concerns for the freedoms of we Americans. But this is always first and foremost with Cruz. His word is good, his heart is about freedom and our protection…. probably one of a handful of true politicians in DC. Must admit I love it when he calls out the congress mutts for their dishonesty. If they don’t like him it is because they are unwilling to RAISE their standards of ethics. Hence they condemn him for his high standards which is WRONG….. it exposes their numerous flaws. When a group of men bow to such a lowly person like Obama and condemn a good man such as Cruz… they have definitely gone to the dark side. Pathetic.

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