(Before It's News)
The following five reasons for why what happened in Benghazi still matters are very clear!
From an article at Redstate, ‘Five Reasons Benghazi Still Matters’…
1. Four Americans Died
On September 11, 2012 – the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – radical Islamic terrorists attacked our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. They mercilessly slaughtered four brave Americans.
First and foremost, these courageous American heroes deserve to be
The four Americans who died during that attack were: U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; information management officer Sean Smith; and two security officers who were former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Ambassador Stevens was the first Ambassador killed in the line of duty
since 1979. Woods and Doherty fought valiantly in an attempt to save the Ambassador, running head-on into a death trap – because it was the right thing to do.
But why did these four Americans have to die? Why was Ambassador Stevens’ security so woefully inadequate in a warzone? Why were there no reinforcements?
The families of the slain and the American people as a whole deserve answers to these questions. The memory of these four brave Americans – who gave the last full measure of valor for their nation – must not be forgotten.
Attempts by the Obama Administration and their allies in Congress belittle the threat, berate those who dared demand answers, and bury the truth dishonors the memory of these four murdered Americans.
2. America’s Solemn Duty to Never Leave a Man Behind is Shaken
Not only did four Americans die, they were abandoned.
For hours, wave after wave of terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Within minutes of the first jihadist gunshots being fired, the State Department and CIA were notified of the attack, yet no help came. Within hours, President Obama was meeting with the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, yet no help came. The hours went by, and still no help.
There are accusations that an order was given to “
stand down,” preventing a possible rescue attempt. But whatever the reason, whatever the order, no help came. There was certainly no order given to take whatever steps necessary to protect our diplomats.
It is the solemn promise that America has made to those who risk their lives for our country that we will never leave a man behind. This sacred duty was broken that day. Whether four lives could have been saved, whether even one could have been saved, and even whether more could have died in the attempt to save these four is unknown. But America always tries.
The stories of valor and bravery of American soldiers in every war America has ever fought have been passed down for generations. The very idea that these brave Americans were left behind in Benghazi to suffer and die at the hands of Islamic terrorists is repugnant to every American. They deserved better and the American people deserve answers. It must never happen again.
3. President Obama’s Awful Foreign Policy has Consequence
I’ve written
many times about the
deadly consequences of the Obama Administration’s failed foreign policy. While Russia and Syria are stealing headlines today, let us remember that the events that unfolded in Libya in 2012 precipitated by the Arab Spring, once heralded by the Obama Administration. It was in fact the Obama Administration that ended the
Qaddafi regime, killing the Libyan dictator.
Yet in the wake of the deposed dictator in a war ravaged region, our diplomatic mission was compromised, lacking desperately needed security. Time and time again President Obama’s unthinkable underestimation of radical Islamists (even calling ISIS a “
jayvee team”) has led to our woeful unpreparedness.
How could this Administration not think, with the Middle East in flames, that U.S. diplomatic personnel in a warzone – ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 – could possibly be in harm’s way? It’s ludicrous, but it’s exactly what happened.
The Obama Administration’s willful blindness to the truth only exacerbates the situation. The failures compound. And those failures have consequences. Benghazi and the four brave lives lost there is just one more reminder.
The consequences of these failures will only continue unless we learn the truth and take corrective action for the future.
4. President Obama Still Refuses to Confront the Threat of Radical Islam
What turned the murder of four brave Americans from a tragedy to a travesty was the Obama Administration’s dogged denial that the terrorist attack was carried out by radical Islamic terrorists.
The reality on the ground did not fit the Administration’s narrative for how the Middle East was developing. The way to deflect attention from these obvious failures was to shift responsibility, blaming the Benghazi attack
on a video.
Yet the Administration knew within three hours of the first shots being fired, who was responsible for the attack.
At 12:07 a.m. on September 12, 2012, as the terrorist onslaught on the consulate continued, “The State Department sends an e-mail to the White House, the Pentagon and the FBI indicating the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Sharia claimed credit for the attack.”
President Obama’s intractable
refusal to name the enemy we face has been a recurring and deadly theme throughout his Presidency. We face radical Islamic terrorists bent on destroying America. It was a terrorist named Nidal Hasan who killed American servicemen at Fort Hood, Texas, not workplace violence. It was Islamic terrorists, not a video that murdered four Americans in Benghazi. It was radical Islamic terrorists who bombed the Boston Marathon, not “extremists.”
This has not changed since 2012. And today, it matters even more. Unless we acknowledge as a nation the threat we face from radical Islam throughout the world (and in our own nation), we certainly can’t defeat it and we won’t be able to keep our American diplomats safe in the future.
5. We Still Have Ambassadors and Diplomatic Personnel in Dangerous Areas
The world – and the Middle East in particular – is no more safe today than it was in 2012. We still have diplomatic missions in dangerous places. Are our diplomats safe? Will we take the necessary security measures to protect them?
If Benghazi doesn’t make a “difference, at this point,” then our diplomats could expect the same fate as Ambassador Stevens. The fact is Ambassador Stevens was left behind long before the first shots were fired outside our consulate.
