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Why I support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker

Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:46
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(Before It's News)

Now that Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) N/A% is stepping down, the House of Representatives needs a principled leader who will work hard and get results.

That’s why I support Congressman Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) 61% for speaker of the House.

I’ve known Kevin for more than a decade. From day one, we’ve worked closely to advance our conservative principles. I know the kind of man he is and the kind of leader he will be.

Kevin is exceptionally good at bringing people together. He doesn’t shy away from the important fights, and he knows how to win – with respect and civility that is often lacking in today’s politics.

He will bring his trademark collaborative style to the speakership as he sets the priorities ofthe Republican caucus. He’s also the best listener I know.

On the issues, Kevin has gotten results where others have failed. In 2008, Kevin pushed the Republican conference to promise an end to earmarks. In 2011, with a new majority, House Republicans kept that promise and made the ban a reality.

When the President sent a stimulus bill to Capitol Hill, Kevin rallied the conference to oppose it—unanimously.

When he was majority whip, he helped me pass four balanced budgets in a row.

Throughout his life, he has defended the sanctity of life. And he is a proud supporter of the Second Amendment.

As speaker, he will challenge the President’s failed foreign policy and work to strengthen America’s military.

Kevin’s record in Congress demonstrates a rare combination of principle, leadership, and effectiveness. I have no doubt that his experience and skills make him the best choice for Speaker.

The post Why I support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker appeared first on RedState.


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