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A Silver Lining to the Tragic Shooting at Umpqua Community College

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 14:07
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A Silver Lining to the Tragic Shooting at Umpqua Community College


The voters of Coos County Oregon sent a very strong message to the federal government in their attempts politicize the recent act of cowardice in the gun free zone at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. Every time we see a tragedy of this type no time is wasted in the forth-coming attempts to establish a new wave of gun control.

According to the Huffington Post, Coos County voters passed the “2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance with 61 percent of the vote.” The ordinance empowers Coos County Sheriff Greg Zanni to determine if a given state or federal gun law goes against the constitution. “If he thinks they do, the county is then banned from using any resources to enforce those laws. Any county employee who violates the ordinance will be fined $2,000.”

This ordinance shows the world what the good people of Oregon really think about supporting the 2nd Amendment and the opposition of the over-reach put forth in SB 941.

As Breitbart puts it: “SB 941 was the universal background check bill supported by Sandy Hook Promise and Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety. The bill was signed into law on May 11 and residents of Coos County hope to use the 2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance to forbid its enforcement in their county.”

I had a chance to sit down with Local resident/political activist Rob Taylor who with Tom McKirgan, Oregon III% Director of Operations, who together spearheaded the effort to collect signatures to get the ordinance on the local ballot which then went on to pass this November 3 by more than 20%. We talk about the timing of the passage of the ordinance coinciding with the tragic shooting, the history and what lead to the push for this ordinance and how the sheriff may have really felt about this subject.

Jason Van Tatenhove
[email protected]


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