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At least 16 hospitalized in New Orleans playground shooting by 'at least two gunmen'

Sunday, November 22, 2015 23:04
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

At least 16 hospitalized in New Orleans playground shooting by 'at least two gunmen' | 22 Nov 2015 | At least 16 people were hospitalized in New Orleans Sunday evening, following a shooting during a party at a city park, authorities said. The shooting broke out at Bunny Friend Park in the Upper Ninth Ward where about 500 people were gathered at the playground to shoot a music video, according to New Orleans Police Superintendent Michael Harrison. That event followed a second line parade by the Nine Times Social & Pleasure Club that took place earlier a block or two from the shooting scene, Mayor Mitch Landrieu said. Witnesses told WWL-TV that at least two gunmen fired into the crowd.


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