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Bernie Calls Hillary A Liar [picture]

Saturday, November 7, 2015 6:54
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Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Has ‘Misstated’ My Comments On Gun Control, Shouting

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Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Friday said his rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had “misstated” his statement that people should stop ”shouting” about gun control.

Clinton recently portrayed Sanders’ comments as sexist. ”I’ve been told to stop shouting about gun violence,” Clinton first said at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington. “Well I’m not shouting. It’s just when women talk, people think we’re shouting.”

Sanders has defended his comments, saying they weren’t sexist. During MSNBC’s Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum on Friday, he accused Clinton of “misstating” what he said.

“If we are going to make progress on this issue — and I know Hillary Clinton has kind of misstated my view — as a nation, we are going to have to stop shouting at each other and we’re going to have to come together,” Sanders said.

“The question is not shouting at each other. The question is bringing people together around proposals that I would guess 60 or 70 percent of the American people believe in,” Sanders added.

Sanders also defended his record on gun control as a member of Congress, including his multiple votes against the Brady Bill, which established mandatory background checks in 1993. Sanders argued during Friday’s forum that the best approach to gun control is passing legislation that’s a middle ground between what gun control advocates and gun rights activists want.

“It means to say that very strong gun control advocates may not get everything they want. And people who think they should have a missile launcher in their backyard as a Constitutional right may not have that,” Sanders said.  source

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