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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Confederate Vets turned down for parade float, CAIR approved

Thursday, November 12, 2015 7:59
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As if we thought that the wheels of rational thought had reached the end of the road, a new insult to our intelligence. CAIR, a terrorist supporting group gets to parade, but not a recognition of Confederate vets?

Officials for a Tulsa, Oklahoma, Veterans Day parade have made it clear where their priorities lie. A group calling themselves “Confederate Veterans Lives Matter” have been turned-down for a float in this year’s parade in keeping with the liberal vendetta against all things Southern and all things Confederate. However, in a move that betrays a shocking bias on the part of event organizers, officials approved without question a float from the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an outspoken group that consistently prioritizes Muslim values over American ones.

Naturally, the move has sparked controversy as veterans remain some of the most-patriotic Americans and the inclusion of a float dedicated to Muslims while excluding a float dedicated to honoring America’s veterans has rubbed many the wrong way.

Laughably, the “Confederate Veterans Lives Matter” group was turned-down by event officials as they do not allow floats that advance a political agenda. Meanwhile, CAIR is strictly a political advocacy organization that advances a pro-Shariah agenda.

Hat Tip: Politistick

Filed under: Liberal Loonies Tagged: CAIR, Shariah, Veterans, Vets


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