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By Angel Mer Chalk
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Expect Lots of False Flags, Obama says gun control to be top issue of final year

Friday, November 20, 2015 12:48
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I comes to my attention that for us freedom remains in the balance.

Obama thinks has a sense of duty to end the United States of America, and the independence that we treasure.

His strategy is to emphasize on gun control in his last year as President.

Is this the final false flag?

Nonetheless, he claims it will end unsatisfactory for the us, the citizens of the United States Of America.

That is “if he gets his way”.

Is the rebellious spirit that waged war against controlling regimes dead?

The voice of choice and the light of freedom have gone dim and silent.

Washington DC is now known as, “the city of Hell”.

President Obama says American Citizens are more violent than citizens in other countries.


Image result for washington dc is the city of hell



He also, says they “have more deadly weapons to act out their rage.”

President Obama had an interview on Tuesday published in GQ magazine.

He mentioned that easy access to guns is “the only variable” among the United States and other countries.

In the article, he stated, that, “The main thing that I’ve been trying to communicate over the last several of these horrific episodes is that, contrary to popular belief, Americans are not more violent than people in other developed countries,”

“But they have more deadly weapons to act out their rage.”


Dave Boyer a news journalist, wrote in his article, that, “Obama says gun control to be top issue of final year.” 

An article that was published on Saturday, November, 17, 2015; mentioned that  Secret Pentagon Reports Revealed that the United States  ”Created” ISIS As A “Tool” .

 That would upheaval Syria’s President Assad.

There was an article that was published on Saturday, November, 17, 2015.

It mentions that  Secret Pentagon Reports Revealed that the United States  ”Created” ISIS As A “Tool” .

That would upheaval Syria’s President Assad.




On Nov. 1, 2014 this video talks about “Rule number 1 of the False Flag Club.”



This video clip explains new world order:



Let us not forget ta vidio clip ,which talked about the G20 NWO summit that was in Turkey but not in Paris.

On   Saturday, Nov 14, 2015 information surfaced that the attacks were a total setup.




It actually stunk of false flag “mass massacre” once again!
 In Matty D’s video, he presented moderately to some extent insightful findings regarding a very predictable premeditated event.


Image result for the G20 NWO summit in turkey

 Help me  open our United states Citizens mind about the truth.

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Support: Matty D.’s video…

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