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How Many Nails Does it Take to Seal a Coffin?

Saturday, November 14, 2015 12:19
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In the following article, Dr. Owens asks, “How many lopsided trade deals does it take to teach a nation that they are being sold down the river? Apparently, it takes one more than we have.” That about sums it up perfectly. It’s crazy how many AWFUL economic policies Obama has put into place, and We the People hardly even voice our opinions anymore, much less try to stop him from destroying our futures. Vonsider the TPP one more nail in America’s coffin. I’m glad o know I’m not the only person still trying to warn people of the horrors that are coming down the road with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but for the life of me, I cannot understand why no one else is speaking out. Granted, to understand how terrible the agreement is for Americans, you have to read more than a headline, but people are gong to be in for such a rude awakening if they don’t wake up. 

To summarize once again what makes this agreement so bad, first Alex Jones describes most of what you need to know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to understand it. In essence, it merges the North American Union which has been rammed through somewhat by stealth, the European Union, and the Asian Union. Ok, so what does that mean? In short, it means that we no longer have a Constitution that’s worth the paper it’s printed on. The U.S. is no longer a sovereign nation. Instead, we are really no more than a giant corporation, and just like an employee within a giant corporation, YOUR well being is nowhere near the top priority. 

Top priority would normally be the “shareholders,” but in this case, it’s the private global banks that will more or less be the “shareholders” of the United States. In keeping with this analogy, it more or less renders our sovereign constitutional rights moot as well, and replaces our Constitution with a set of Corporate bylaws, for lack of a better term. To put into perspective just how bad this is for American citizens, our own representatives in Congress were kept in the dark from being able to negotiate the deal, or to even know the contents of the deal. Yes, you read that correctly. We are going to be bound by an agreement that no one in Congress has even had the luxury of blowing off and not reading, because they were forbidden from taking part in the negotiation process. You know who DID get all the power? 600 multi-national corporations were the ones sitting around the table, not your elected representatives, along with the President, who effectively becomes a dictator under the TPP. The TPP will more than likely drastically affect your Second Amendment rights as well. Remember, we answer to a global body now. It’s insane. Alex Jones does a great job breaking it down. 



In the second video, you’ll learn about the terrifying new powers that have been given to our new “shareholders,” or the global banking cartels. The entire basis for maintaining our private extractive banking monopoly may have been thrown out the window. And that could help explain the desperate rush to “fast track” not only the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), but the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). TiSA would nip attempts to implement public banking and other monetary reforms in the bud.”




Finally, ss if this doesn’t already sound bad enough, there have been multiple Trojan clauses snuck into the agreement designed to silence dissent. Online freedom of speech will be a thing of the past. What’s so sad, is that the video below is a Senator from Australia. When a Senator from Australia cares more about the rights of Americans than Americans do, we deserve whatever happens. She makes several references to the Trojan Horse Clauses that are embedded within the TPP and a RAGING threat to Democracy.



Dr. Robert Owens writes:

How many lopsided trade deals does it take to teach a nation that they are being sold down the river? Apparently, it takes one more than we have.

After months of secrecy, President Obama has the chutzpa to throw the thing online and challenge people to read it, saying, “Along with the text of the agreement, we’ve posted detailed materials to help explain it. It’s an unprecedented degree of transparency — and it’s the right thing to do.”

Sounds great, doesn’t it? How open. How accessible. Give it a quick read and let’s get on with the job of selling out our heritage for a bowl for oatmeal.

The next time you have a few moments free between jobs, why not give it a go. It is only 5,544 pages containing 2,056,560 words, which is, according to the Daily Caller:

·         3.18x longer than the King James Bible

·         5.77x longer than the Affordable Care Act

·         1.63x longer than the entire Harry Potter series

·         3.73x longer than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy

·         1.06x longer than the entire Game of Thrones series

·         4.33x longer than the entire works of Shakespeare

·         2.65x longer than the New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd Edition

Just take a little break from trying to make ends meet while you compete with workers around the world making ten dollars a day and make a decision about whether we should take another bite of the free trade apple. Of course, no matter what you decide, the twin-headed party of power in Chicago on the Potomac is going to shove this giveaway of American jobs and prosperity down your throat.

TPP is an agreement between the United States and 11 other countries – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. China is not a party to this treaty.

According to Public Citizen:

The TPP would expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) “trade” pact model that has spurred massive U.S. trade deficits and job loss, downward pressure on wages, unprecedented levels of inequality and new floods of agricultural imports. The TPP not only replicates, but also expands NAFTA’s special protections for firms that offshore U.S. jobs. And U.S. TPP negotiators literally used the 2011 Korea FTA – under which exports have fallen and trade deficits have surged – as the template for the TPP.

In one fell swoop, this secretive deal could:

Offshore American jobs and increase income inequality

Jack up the cost of medicines

Sneak in SOPA-like threats to Internet freedom

Empower corporations to attack out environmental and health safeguards

Expose the U.S. to unsafe food and products

Roll back Wall Street reforms

Ban Buy American policies needed to create green jobs

And undermine human rights

Although it is called a “free trade” agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP’s 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues. One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries. Many would impose limits on government policies that we rely on in our daily lives for safe food, a clean environment, and more. Our domestic federal, state, and local policies would be required to comply with TPP rules.

So if the stagnant or falling wages of the last few decades have left you feeling as if you haven’t given enough, hold on because the DC Leviathan is about to ask for more.

I would now make a plea for everyone to call their senators and congressman but does anyone believe that would make a difference. This is just another milestone on the road to the 3rd world by those who seek to fundamentally transform America. Then, along comes Hillary, the nail in our coffin.









The Last Great Stand

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