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When I mention to someone that as a child I grew up in the South they immediately associate me with a few stereotypes:
To them I would admit to most of the stereotypes. One stereotype that has been pinned to white males in particular is someone who is a racist. As a white male I have to admit my grandparents were somewhat racist. They were born around the turn of the 20th century. They were not members of the Ku Klux Klan, but they did hold the opinion that there should be some types of segregation.
Fast forward 115 years and I find myself as a father with a young son. I teach him to be respectful of any individual regardless of their color of skin and ethnicity. I teach him to judge a person based on their philosophy of life and their behavior. Just like Martin Luther said in his I Have a Dream Speech, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” I whole-heartedly agree with this statement.
When my son is old enough to begin dating, if he decides to choose a black young lady to go out with, as long as that girl is a nice, Christian girl with good morals and honest character traits, I am will support him. The same principle applies if he chooses to marry someone that does not share his ethnic background. We should treat people with equal respect and kindness regardless of our differences.
This philosophy is frowned upon by the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Black activists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson do everything they can to keep racism alive. The very mouthpiece of the Obama Administration #MSNBC constantly associates every white person as a racist. Did my descendants own slaves from Africa? Who Knows? Who Cares! I am not to be blamed for something my great, great, great grandfather did. A lot of black activists say I owe them reparations for holding their relatives captive against their will.
Let me give you a lesson in Biblical History. Read the book of Genesis and Exodus, particularly when the children of Israel were taken into slavery by Egypt. What does that have anything to do with black slavery and reparations? If a black activist demands that a white American should be held responsible and feel guilty for their ancestors holding African slaves then the same standard should be used against that black activist whose ancestors came from Africa! Last time I checked Egypt was on the continent of Africa. That’s right, you the black activist, whose ancestors are from Africa should feel guilty and be held responsible for holding the Jewish people captive during the times of the Egyptian bondage for the children of Israel. It is the exact same argument you are using against whites and their ancestor’s mistakes.
Something To Think About….
If these historical idiots who want to extort money from me for something that happened when my ancestors were still in Europe under the yoke of the British, they have another thing coming. Farrrakhan is a first generation American (allegedly) and a Muslim, so you can be sure that anything about American and Christian culture is in his hateful crosshairs. Muslims are the biggest slavers in the world and have been for centuries.
Only 5% of southerners owned slaves. White slavery was not uncommon in the entire country at that time but they were called “indentured servants” who were never released from their contracts.
The Civil War began over unjust tariffs the north wanted to impose on the south because the south was buying cheaper goods from Europe and the north wanted the $$$. The Emancipation Proclamation was not promulgated until near the end of the war.
What the north did to the south under Sherman should shock the conscience of every human being.
Seems to me most wars are fought over money by men who wouldn’t know a principle if it jumped up and bit them on the nose.
Racism is a marxist canard.
Up till 1776 all Americas ‘Slaves’ were white Irish/British and indentured servants or convicts.
Two things:
Racism is a modern day concept that is that is a taught behavior; it’s propaganda!. Xenophobia is a natural human instinct that may manifest as aversion but does not necessarily involve hate! The modern day suggestion of the awareness of any differences that deny reality is defined as racism. This awareness initially reveals itself through suspicion, humor, fear, etc. and not usually hate. Learned racism suggests that any recognition of differences of another individual be interpreted as racist! The most bizarre aspect of this communist concept, racism, is that it can only be applied to European type humans.
It’s been several decades, but if memory serves me, the Egyptians were not the sub-Saharan types that were collected by slavers. Egyptians typically enslaved Semites and the dark-skinned inhabitants of Nubia (Sudan). I’m not sure of the origins of Egyptians.
Egyptians (Copts) are of Nubian ancestry, an ancient Saharan people in what is now Libya and Algeria.
Appendium, the invasion by Arabs of Egypt in 647, the common practice was to enslave the local population, in Islam any child born of a slave is freed so all the population (Copts) were once slaves of Arabs, after the Caliphate the majority of the population was forced to accept Islam as their religion.
End miscegenation now! Don’t give in.
When central banks took over governments by stealth and they in turn forced the people to accept and use the fake fiat currency that they supplied, they enslaved everyone at the stroke of a pen.
I say get over yourself if you think that you should get preferential treatment because of your color etc…we are all slaves now, every single one of us!