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Mauricio Marci leading in Argentina presedential election

Monday, November 23, 2015 1:26
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Mauricio Marci leading in Argentina presedential election – YouTube


In Argentina, early partial results indicate that opposition candidate Mauricio Macri has won presidential run-off election against his rival Daniel Scioli.

A provisional tally from over 45 percent of polling stations shows Macri has gained 54 percent of the votes, ahead of his rival Daniel Scioli with 46 percent. Macri’s supporters have already started celebrating his victory. His win will end 12 years of leftist government in the Latin American country. Macri has promised to free up trade and liberalize the economy and end policies of state control and protectionism favored by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Argentina is gripped by a major economic crisis and the new president is facing numerous challenges. This was Argentina’s first ever run-off presidential vote.


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