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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I hope our readers are having excellent Thanksgivings. Mine has been the best. I have a new girl friend – what a great gal. For any of our younger male readers who want some tips how to meet and date great women, I highly, HIGHLY recommend Salsa partner dancing. It definitely works for me.
Well back to the real world of national and international politics. World War III is being threatened in the Middle East – only folks on our side seem to be the Russians and allied forces. The most important international current event is the mass Muslim male migration/invasion of Europe and the West – with huge numbers of Syrian Muslim, Muslims posing as Syrians threatened to migrate to our (dis) United States of America. Lots of morons like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says restricting mass Muslim migrations is racist:
Rep. Paul Ryan rules out any cuts in Muslim immigration.
Lot’s of people in the USA, in the West are doing and saying lots of extremely stupid, treasonous things about the 3rd world Muslim migration invasion. Everyone from the $*##*@ Chancellor of Germany Merkel, to Hollywood Left coast morons like Michael Moore, to Catholic and Lutheran immigrant aid “charities”, to Swedish Green party “international human rights” types – they seem to have collectively lost their minds. The subject of mass immigration migrations seems to bring out the worst in Jewish people and Jewish organizations. (Jewish groups support Syrian migrants) Any sane Western person that wants to put any limits on Muslim immigration – well we’re all evil NAZIs the same as those who wouldn’t take little Jewish children trying to flew the Holocaust.
Why do they do this.
3 Reasons
1) They’re morons/idiots
2) They hate us
3) It helps them personally
What kind of moronic Jewish person wants to welcome the invasion of 800,000 plus Muslim male migrants to Europe and the USA?
Well one such Jewish person is Chicago Sun-Times writer Neil Steinberg – those evil WASPs
Neil Steinberg claims us evil WASPs were never welcoming:
” No refugee group was welcomed in this country. From the Irish in the 1840s onward, all were diseased subhumans bringing crime and strange ways who could never fit in to the American dream. Ditto for the Chinese — our first anti-immigration laws were to keep them out. Ditto the Italians. And the Eastern Europeans. In the late 1930s, 83 percent of Americans — about as close to unanimity as you can get — were against easing America’s draconian immigration laws to admit Jews frantic to get out of Germany. A Congressional bill that would have admitted 20,000 German children under the they’re-so-cute-when-they’re-young exemption died in committee.
Why? Well, c’mon, they were Jews. Nobody wanted Jews around, for lots of reasons just as specious as the reasons the governor wants to yank away the welcome mat that isn’t there for Syrians. The Jews were also seen a threat, and if few here sincerely thought they kidnapped Christian children and drank their blood, they knew they took jobs and college berths that God intended for real Americans.” (Chicago SunTimes “Give Rauner a Break” 11/17/15)
Yep, this moronic liberal, marxist Jew Neil Steinberg insists that he’s the champion of oppressed Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans and now Syrian Muslims – against the common enemy of all of humanity, us evil White Anglo Saxon Protestant WASPS! Of course the $*#&*@ Neil Steinberg will probably turn around the next day and charge the current governments, people in Eastern Europe (Poland and Hungary) of being the worst Anti Semite, FASCIST, NAZIS for not welcoming the Muslim migrant invasions, denying their guilt in the Holocaust etc.
Why do Liberal, Leftist, marxist Jews like Neil Steinberg do this? Aren’t Jews and Muslims supposed to be enemies? Aren’t liberal, secular, leftist people supposed to oppose religious extremists who do things like throw gay people off of roofs, who ban women from showing their faces in public. Why do they do this?
It’s the same reason(s) the Black Congressional Caucus ALWAYS supports the worst mass Mexican immigration to the USA:
1) They’re morons/idiots
2) They HATE US – anything traditional White America opposes, the Black Congressional Caucus supports, even if mass Mexican immigration strongly hurts the Black working class.
3) It helps them in their own personal lives – millions of Mexican and other 3rd world immigrants, more Lib Democrat voters, Black Congressmen have secure jobs for life.
It sounds crazy to a fair minded (White) American persons, but Liberal, Left marxist Jews like Neil Steinberg really are on the same team/side with Muslim migrants in the USA – it’s just in Israel/Palestine that Muslim and Jews are on opposite sides. Here in the USA both Muslims and Jews vote 80% plus Liberal, Left Democrat, 80% plus for Obama.
The Neil Steinbergs are trying all sorts of lies and deceptions to put together anti WASP teams of discriminated and oppressed – that the Irish and Eastern European immigrants and now Syrian Muslims should join their champions the Jews in opposing the racist, oppressive WASP privileged elite. Watch some Mel Gibson anti English film like Braveheart or the Patriot and understand that the Jewish Hollywood elite is fine with this – it’s just when Mel gets a bit drunk and expresses his father’s view of Jewish Neo Conservative war mongering in Iraq that Mel gets taken to task.
So what do we do?
My suggestion is just recognize unpleasant realities – and expose, oppose the 3 reason.
1) Expose the Neil Steinbergs, Hollywood Left Loons like Michael Moore as idiots, morons.
2) Expose, oppose the reality that it is THEY who HATE US. They claim to be liberal, tolerant, loving people who love gays and the worst 8th century Muslims – no, they just hate us.
3) And this is the most important point. We must change the reality that promoting the worst immigration, Muslim migration invasions, anti Southern, anti White policies are BAD not good for their personal careers. We ended the political careers of some enemies like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, we have to make it reality that the Michael Moores, Neil Steinbergs, Paul Ryans, Lisping Lyndsey Graham’s personal careers, and personal lives are hurt or destroyed, not helped for defaming and destroying our people and culture.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone – here’s hoping Neil Steinberg will soon be celebrating the next Thanksgiving in Cook County Jail with Jew hating Muslim Jihadists.