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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Quite Possibly The Single Most Racist Anti-American Political Ad Ever +Video

Thursday, November 5, 2015 14:44
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DW Ulsterman


The group calls itself It is not so much against deportation as it is against a safe and secure American border. In the video a group of children are given a script replete with curse words and that are to be examples of “brown pride.” The conclusion has these same children preparing to happily beat a Donald Trump pinata.


The video’s unmistakable premise is that if anyone in America hopes for a safe and secure border they are racist and deserving of threats against their well being.

How far has the political dialogue fallen in this country when the subject of following longstanding immigration laws, and implementing safe and necessary border security is then used to fan the flames of anti-Americanism and racial division?

Statistics have proven time and time again criminals are pouring across what is a largely porous southern border. These same criminals are costing U.S. taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in law enforcement-related costs to say nothing of the destruction they are wreaking upon lower class communities across the nation.

The group responsible for the below video in no way represents legal immigrants who came to the United States to seek opportunity and a better way of life for themselves and their children. No, this group represents lawlessness, and advocates for the spread of more race-based violence and the breaking apart of American sovereignty. Their views are the lowest form of political discourse but that fact cannot be surprising given so many of them purposely broke this nation’s laws in coming here, and likely have continued to violate those laws in being allowed to stay here. Study after study suggests hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of non-citizens have been allowed to vote in U.S. elections.

Breaking immigration laws and cancelling out lawful votes in favor of illegal ones is not a responsible immigration policy but rather an open invasion that is destroying the fabric of America. Lawful immigration made this country stronger. Illegal immigration is literally tearing it apart.

Watch the below video and then try and tell me I’m wrong…


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