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By Occidental Dissent
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Regional Meetings

Sunday, November 15, 2015 12:22
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(Before It's News)

By Hunter Wallace

I’m on the way home from our first regional meeting. Here are some quick thoughts:

1.) We don’t need to hold a public protest, which usually wears everyone out after three hours in the cold or the sun, in order to have a public gathering.

2.) The enduring value of the protests was always mainly in the networking, building relationships, recruitment, etc.

3.) Lots of people who wouldn’t attend a public protest would be more interested in semi-public gatherings – meet up in some public location, and then leave to go a private venue.

4.) This would cut out the media and the anti-fa stalker trolls.

5.) These meetings could easily be hosted all over the South without any problems: Montgomery, Birmingham, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Charleston, Jacksonville, New Orleans, Charlotte, St. Louis, Little Rock, Richmond, etc.

6.) This could be combined with an annual invitation only private conference, probably in a centralized location like Tennessee, that could also cut out the media and anti-fa stalker trolls.

7.) There’s no reason why this couldn’t be combined with the protests.


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