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Syrian Refugees: Will The American Sheeple Finally Stand Up And Say NO?

Sunday, November 15, 2015 5:54
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The American sheeple need to stand-up and let Barack Obama know that we have had our September 11 in the US and DO NOT want to swing open our doors to the very same terrorists so that they can do it here again! 

Will the sheeple in Congress and the sheeple throughout America finally stand-up and tell this poor excuse for a commander-in-chief that we DO NOT want to bring Syrian refugees here?

Not because we are inhumane, not because we don’t understand their horrendous plight, not because we aren’t a compassionate people many of whom that had our ancestors come here to escape to a safer and better life.

We need to fight having Syrian refugees brought here because interspersed among them will be ISIS and Islamic State fighters who will be coming here to try and destabilize us and destroy our way of life and society!

And yet our feckless leader Barack Obama remains firm in his desire to bring these unvetted refugees here!

Why is that?

I have my own thoughts as to the reason why that is (Obama’s Master Plan: Because No President Could Be This Bad By Accident! (List)) but unless Americans make it clear that we do not want to open our borders and arms to potential terrorists, then they will most certainly be here.

And unfortunately with this President even if the American people are solidly against bringing Syrian refugees here he may act and do it unilaterally anyway!

And one last thought…If you listened to the timid and politically correct Democrats running for president in last nights debate, remember that ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!

From the Washington Times, here is our problem…

Obama’s vow to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees under fire after Paris attack

…Mr. Obama has ordered the U.S. to prepare to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, with more expected in 2017, as he said Americans must do their part to help give a safety valve to the hundreds of thousands fleeing the war-torn region.

But officials have acknowledged vetting Syrians will be difficult because the U.S. does not have access to Syrian records, and it’s tougher to verify would-be refugees’ stories and backgrounds.

Much will depend on the in-person interviews conducted by Homeland Security officers — an area where officials insist they’ve become expert, thanks to experience vetting Iraqi refugees.

Early news reports out of Paris said a Syrian passport was found at the site of one of the attacks. And reports said Poland has already decided to suspend its participation in the European Union refugee program in the wake of the attack.

But refugee program defenders took to social media to urge that countries not stray from their commitments to taking in Syrians.

Some of the defenders said the violence in Paris is what the refugees are fleeing, and makes it all the more imperative to keep the programs going…


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