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Trump update 11/12\2015.. “Whig party… “Never let them see your scalp…”

Thursday, November 12, 2015 17:50
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(Before It's News)

Donald Trump Interview with Mark Levin; 11-11-2015

Trump Points Out One Mysterious Change To Hillary’s Appearance That’ll Get Him In Trouble

Trump pokes fun at Clinton’s hair

Payback is hell! That might be what Donald Trump is chanting today, as all the buzz and attention that has surrounded his hair in the past has now turned to Hillary Clinton. In August, Clinton got it all started by saying, “A lot of people have said a lot of things about my hair over the years, so I do kind of know what Donald is going through. And if anyone wonders if mine is real, here’s the answer. The hair is real. The color isn’t. And come to think of it, I wonder if that’s real for Donald too.” Not to be outdone, Trump, on Wednesday, had a lot to say about Clinton’s new do. (Comments begin at 12:25 in video above).

Trump got a lot of help from Matthew Drudge when Drudge noticed the obvious and tweeted about Clinton’s new do. Drudge tweeted, “Can we talk about Hillary’s wig?” and posted a picture of Clinton’s new hairdo. The next one read, “Whig party…” Again, “Human or Synthetic?”, “Shake n Go…” , “Never let them see your scalp…”

That’s when Trump chimed in. CNN carried the audio and followed the interview with some commentary of their own. On the Mark Levin Show, Trump said, “Well, she has a new hairdo, did you notice that today?” Levin, leading Trump into the foray responded, “That’s called a wig.” “Is that a wig?” Trump asked. “You’re right. It must be. It was massive. You know, her hair became massive.” Levin, who started off the lead-in by calling it a wig told Trump, “You know you’re gonna get in trouble now.” “I don’t care. I don’t care. But no, because I’m a person that tells the truth. It was very different wasn’t it? Did you like it?”

The CNN commentators’ first question was, “Is this a sexist shot or is it OK because people make fun of Trump’s hair?” “Of all people, not to be making fun of hair, Donald Trump should have learned that lesson,” one of the commentators remarked.

O’Reilly Presses Trump on Deportation Plan: ‘It Could Never Happen Today’

Fox News ratings powerhouse Bill O’Reilly invited GOP front-runner Donald Trump onto The O’Reilly Factor and tried to push him off his stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants. But Trump didn’t budge, despite O’Reilly’s characterization of the idea as “brutal.”

During this week’s debate, the real estate mogul mentioned the fact that in 1954, President Eisenhower deported as many as one million illegals in a program called “Operation Wetback.”

Since Trump brought the 1950s policy to the discussion, he has been criticized for even saying the name of Eisenhower’s operation–as if just saying the title meant that Trump was endorsing the word “wetback.”

But Fox News’ O’Reilly went further; and during Trump’s appearance, the host slammed the 1954 policy, calling it “brutal.”

“Believe me when I tell you, Mr. Trump, that was brutal what they did to those people to kick them back,” O’Reilly said to Trump. “The stuff they did was really brutal. It could never happen today.”

But while he didn’t repeat the name of the policy, Trump did not back off from his central point that it is possible to deport large numbers of illegals. In fact, he cited yet another president who did the same thing as Eisenhower.

“And Bill, let me tell you,” Trump interjected, “Truman also sent 3.5 million people out, so you have to check on that. But Truman, before Ike, sent 3.5 million people out.”

Despite O’Reilly’s attempt to push Trump off his stance on immigration, Trump is finding that his position is one of the main reasons he is still the front-runner in the hunt for the GOP nomination for president.

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