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US and Israel conducted war games against a 'fictional enemy state' in Sinai on same day Russian plane crashed in Egypt

Sunday, November 8, 2015 11:28
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

US and Israel conducted war games against a 'fictional enemy state' in Sinai on same day Russian plane crashed in Egypt | 08 Nov 2015 | (InvestmentWatch and Godlike Productions, citing The Times of Israel) | 03 Nov 2015 | Startling new revelations show that both the US and Israel were conducting war games in the Arava desert when Flight 9268 dropped off the radar, shortly before breaking up in mid-air and crashing in the Sinai, Egypt. The Russian plane crash has been blamed on ISIS fighters shooting it down, but evidence has emerged, via Israeli state media, that an operation named “Blue Skies” or “Blue Flag” was taking place at the exact location and at the exact time as the crash. See: Israel hosts its largest-ever international air force exercise –Israeli, American, Greek, and Polish air personnel square off against a fictional enemy state in two-week drill | 30 Oct 2015 | Air forces from around the world have gathered deep in the Arava desert in the south of Israel for the past week and a half to take part in the largest aerial exercise in the history of the Israeli Air Force. The “Blue Flag” exercise, which is continuing through November 3, pits the Israeli Air Force, the United States Air Force, Greece's Hellenic Air Force and the Polish Air Force against a fictional enemy state, the captain in charge of all IAF exercises told The Times of Israel Thursday night.


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