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US ground troops arrive in Syria

Thursday, November 26, 2015 20:27
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US ground troops arrive in Syria – YouTube


The US has deployed dozens of ground troops to Syria claiming they will assist Kurdish forces in their battle against Daesh terrorists.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 30 US soldiers arrived in the northern city of Kobani over the past two days. The troops will allegedly help plan offensives against the Takfiris in the two Syrian cities of Jarablus and Raqqah. Kurdish sources also announced that some 20 US soldiers arrived in Hasakeh province in eastern Syria. Back in October, the White House said several dozen special operations troops would be dispatched to Syria for the first open-ended mission by US ground forces there. The presence of US troops on the ground in Syria lacks any mandate from the Syrian government. Damascus says it is a violation of its sovereignty.


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