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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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War in Paris: Au revoir à la Ville Lumière

Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:13
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Adieu la liberté, l’égalité et la fraternité. The City of Light (La Ville Lumiere) went dark repressively. A separate article discussed draconian measures imposed, explaining police state actions. The fading remnants of “liberte, egalite, (and) fraternite” disappeared in plain sight. One of the world’s great tourist destinations no longer is safe to visit – not because of possible terrorist attacks, because police state authority replaced constitutional protections. Expect more incidents like pre-dawn Wednesday morning. Heavily armed soldiers and police stormed Saint-Denis, a northern Paris suburb, hunting for alleged Friday attackers police chief Michael Cadot said were all killed. Heavy gunfire and explosions followed. Five summary arrests were made. Claims about an alleged female suicide bomber blowing herself up are unverified. A resident told Le Monde “I was awakened by explosions that lasted about 15-20 minutes. From our window, we could see lights (looking) like gunfire…Then helicopters landed on the roofs.” Police spokesman Jean-Alphonse Richard claimed authorities raided an apartment allegedly used as a base by Friday’s attackers, looking for accomplices, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, called the mastermind of what happened – true or false. Previous articles called Friday’s incident carefully planned and orchestrated state-sponsored terrorism, Washington, France and perhaps Israel likely complicit in what happened – a classic false flag like 9/11 for intended horrors to follow, already evident in police state measures instituted and/or being considered. France declared war on Syria, joining with US air strikes on infrastructure and government targets, not ISIS as claimed. Dozens of other community raids were launched nationwide, numerous arrests made. Another Saint-Denis resident reported security forces “shooting from the rooftops. (We were) told to lie on the floor and not go to the windows.” The toll from Wednesday’s incident is unclear. French TV channel iTele cited an unnamed police source saying three terrorists were killed. Maybe they were innocent victims in harm’s way. Are Parisians and tourists now at risk of being gunned down by soldiers or police if they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time? On Wednesday, Saint-Denis became a war zone. Area schools and universities closed. Public transport shut down. On Monday, Belgian authorities stormed Molenbeek, a Brussels suburb, a mainly Muslim community irresponsibly called a jihadist hotspot. Streets were cordoned off, at least one arrest made, following seven others last weekend. Five were released. Belgium’s justice minister Koen Geens claims his country has “a foreign fighters problem,” saying enhanced measures are needed to combat it. Will other communities across Europe and America experience similar police state actions? 9/11 changed everything. Expect greater than ever draconian horrors to follow Friday’s Paris incident – across Europe and America, including enhanced state-sponsored repression and escalated imperial wars.

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