(Before It's News)
Baby boomers like myself remember urban Main Street America. In our neighborhoods of Brooklyn, N.Y., we had the appearance of little villages. The main shopping avenues were lined with Mom and Pop retail stores. You wanted bread… we had Italian, Jewish and German bakeries. You wanted fruit…. you went to the neighborhood fruit and produce store. Needed women’s wear…. a ladies shop. We had men’s shops, tailors to fit you for a suit or pants, handbag stores, leather shops, jewelry shops, hardware stores, paint stores, neighborhood pharmacies, where they delivered your medicine, coffee shops, pizza parlors, Jewish delis, German delis, Italian pork stores… Anything you wanted, you could get on Main Street . Continue reading → Bev Conover Editor & Publisher Intrepid Report https://www.intrepidreport.com https://www.facebook.com/intrepidreport http://twitter.com/#!/Intrepid_Report [email protected]