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I Shot Holes in the New York Times Editorial

Saturday, December 5, 2015 15:03
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This is what I think of the New York Times editorial today. The United States suffered its worst terrorist attacks since September 11 and the New York Times’ response is that all law-abiding citizens need their guns taken away. Screw them. The New York Times wants you to be sitting ducks for a bunch of arms jihadists who the New York Times thinks no doubt got that way because of the United States.

It should be striking to every American citizen that the New York Times believes the nation should have unfettered abortion rights, a right not made explicit in the Constitution, but can have the Second Amendment right curtailed at will though it is explicitly in the Constitution.

Again, we have suffered the worst terrorist attack in more than a decade and the New York Times believes now we must have our rights taken away as a response to terrorism.

I hope everyone will join me in posting pictures of bullet holes in the New York Times editorial. Send them your response. Put them on Instagram and use the hashtag for my radio show and I may give you a shoutout. #EERS

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook at @ewerickson

The post I Shot Holes in the New York Times Editorial appeared first on RedState.


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Total 4 comments
  • I Shot Holes In The New York Times Editorial

    Praise God and pass the ammo.

    What every red blooded American should do. :wink:

  • The government should implement the same statue DeKalb County Georgia (I think it was DeKalb, I’m from Alabama) did several years ago. Make it mandatory that every able adult over a certain age be certified and own a gun.

    Crime dropped to such a low point it was almost immeasurable.

    • :lol: un-measurable

    • Kennesaw, GA, a city in Cobb County, GA, and adjacent to DeKalb County, GA, is the GA town and county you are thinking about CrowPie.

      Every Kennesaw, GA, household being armed with a gun works like a charm to control unwanted criminals from hanging around Kennesaw homes.

      If every citizen was armed in America crime would drop like a rock.

      Crime always does drop in places where people are armed and able to protect self from those that wish to do them harm.

      An armed society is a polite society.

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