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As we learn more and more about the activities of the radical Islamic couple who murdered 14 innocent people at a holiday luncheon, the more it becomes clear that there were more than ample warning signs that could have led authorities to minimize, if not entirely prevent, the incident. The same observation has been made about the shooters who tried kill the attendees at Pam Geller’s “Draw Muhammad” exposition in Garland, Texas.
For instance, the male shooter, Farook either knew or suspected that he was under investigation because he asked his friend, and Muslim convert, Enrique Marquez, to buy the two rifles used in the attack because he was concerned he could not pass a background check.
We know the Garland shooters followed over 400 radical Islamic twitter accounts and had a twitter presence that clearly indicated support for the view of radical Islamists.
We know that the jihadi bride of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook falsified her visa application and that her family had ties to radical Islamist groups as did she.
We also know that the Department of Homeland Security shut down an investigation into ties between Farook’s mosque and terrorist groups.
We know that the Department of Homeland Security forbids the use of social media for a lot of investigatory purposes.
I don’t believe DHS Director Jeh Johnson is actually an Islamic terrorist but, you have to ask yourself, if he were one, what would he have done differently? The policies he has pursued have obstructed attempts to identify Islamic radicals, allowed them fairly easy access to this nation, and punished anyone who was prone to investigate them.
The post Is DHS Director Jeh Johnson Part Of An ISIS Sleeper Cell? appeared first on RedState.
Remember that DHS Director Jeh Johnson is actually a member of the Council On Foreign Relations and follow the CFR agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER.