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ISIS update 12/08/2015..World Awaits Russian Response

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 11:23
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(Before It's News)

REGIME CHANGE: Western Airstrike Hits Syrian Army Base

Kirby: It’s not a US airstrike at Syrian army base. 07 Dec 2015

US Denies Bombing Assad’s Forces, Blames Russia

On Sunday, someone bombed an SAA position in eastern Syria killing three of Assad’s soldiers and wounding more than a dozen.

As we reported on Monday, the strike allegedly took place in Paris mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud’s old fiefdom of Deir ez Zor. “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles,” Damascus said. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council, stating that the strike “hampers efforts to combat terrorism and proves once again that this coalition lacks seriousness and credibility.” Washington claims to have no idea what Damascus is talking about. “We’ve seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir ez Zor yesterday. So we see no evidence,” coalition spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said.

Presumably the “evidence” is the three dead soldiers and on Tuesday, the war of words intensified. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group (or, as it’s more commonly known, “one guy in London”) said the jets were likely coalition aircraft. The US, on the other hand, now says it is “certain” that the Russians are to blame.

“A U.S. military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States is certain that Russia was responsible for the deadly strike on the Syrian army camp,” Reuters reports, adding that “the official flatly dismissed claims that U.S.-led coalition jets were responsible.”

Syria Strikes: US-led coalition bombing allegedly kills 26 civilians

NATO rules out sending ground forces to fight ISIL in Syria

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Wahhabism and ISIS: why US officials won’t discuss their links to Saudi Arabia

ISIS Oil Empire: ‘It’s not smugglers with donkeys, it’s huge business with Turkey main conduit’

Kirby: Alleged oil smuggling Turkey & ISIL fabricated. 07 Dec 2015

Bilal Erdogan Denies Allegations He Is Funding ISIS: Here’s The Problem

It was just three weeks ago that we posed “the most important question about ISIS that no one is asking.” Namely, we wanted to know who the middlemen are that assist Islamic State in smuggling some 45,000 barrels of stolen crude each and every day.

To be sure, that’s not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it’s not exactly trivial either especially considering this is a non-state actor (well, Baghdadi would say his “caliphate” is most certainly a “state” actor, but you get the idea). We suggested that the answer may well lie with the the Glencores, the Vitols, the Trafiguras, the Nobels, the Mercurias of the world and indeed, when we look at one of the likely trafficking routes from Iraq and through Turkey, it seems possible that if ISIS is taking advantage of the same system that the KRG uses to get its crude to Ceyhan, these trading houses or at least their former employees may well be involved. After all, sources have said Trafigura and Vitol deal in Kurdish oil and when Kurdistan went looking for an advisor to assist in the effort to circumvent Baghdad, the KRG chose Murtaza Lakhani to help them find ships. Lakhani used to work for Glencore in Iraq in the 2000s.

Well when it comes to ships, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son Bilal has a fleet via his BMZ Group.

Turkey arrests nearly 100 people in 10 month for insulting Turkey’s president

Iraqi PM puts air force on alert in response to Turkish deployment

Turkish troops remain in Iraq despite the warning – Fort Russ

Ankara has not withdrawn, from Iraq, its military forces, despite the demands of Baghdad, Interfax reported with reference to the representative of the Turkish government.

Earlier, Prime Minister of Iraq, Haider al-Abadi, had asked Ankara to withdraw its troops from Iraqi territory and gave them 48 hours. Otherwise, he would go to the UN security Council.

According to media reports on December 5th, 150 to 300 Turkish military personnel invaded Iraq under the pretext of training fighters of the Iraqi Kurds, fighting on the side of the banned in Russia group ISIL. The Federal government of Iraq’s permission was not obtained.

Erdogan: the Trojan Horse of Terror

….Erdogan believes he is invincible because he believes that he is on a mission and that God is by his side. If he had any reason to doubt this divine role he believes he has, the November election results put that doubt to rest.

Many people of different religions believe God is on their side and have done this throughout the ages, but in this age of ISIL, it is rather difficult for a non-Muslim to imagine the impact on an Islamist’s mind to believe that he is invincible because God is on his side. It is seen as a license to do as one pleases, a carte blanche, and a mandate to act at will.

After the downing of the Russian Su-24, many conspiracy theories were proposed, and this is not unusual. The big questions that many analysts and observers tried to, and are still trying to resolve, is what made Erdogan do it and who was behind his decision.

There are two main possibilities; Erdogan either acted on his own accord or in conjunction with a second party. The second party can only be the United States. It cannot be NATO because the European side of NATO is currently bogged down in trying to establish where Europe should place its focus and action in the wake of the Paris attacks. And even though the EU seems to have recently rewarded Turkey by granting it funds to curb the influx of refugees and for making more promises regarding the prospect of Turkey joining the EU, France is adamant about fighting ISIL and Hollande’s recent trip to Moscow and subsequent military involvement in the skies of Syria speak volumes.

Even the UK and Germany have joined the fight, not so much under a Russian umbrella, but the European determination to fight ISIL seems to be gaining momentum.

So did the USA whisper in Erdogan’s ear to make him shoot down a Russian jet?

If the answer is yes, then both parties, ie the USA and Turkey, would have something to gain from this action. Many theories have been put forward in an attempt to explain what America would gain, but in reality, they do not hold any ground at all given that such action can evoke a full-on confrontation between America and Russia.

Even the foolhardy George W Bush would not risk an all-out war with Russia. Why would Obama do it now and for what reason?

Obama had, and still has, his chance to intimidate Putin militarily if he wishes to do so in Ukraine. If anything, any such intimidation would be more effective given the location of Ukraine relative to Russia. So why would America choose Turkey to intimidate Russia if this can be better done in Ukraine? No logical answer can be found, because there isn’t one.

Perhaps some early clues emerged in the outcome of the extraordinary NATO meeting that Turkey asked for almost immediately after shooting down the Russian jet.

The NATO meeting defended Turkey’s right to protect its sovereignty. It is not unusual for an organization like NATO to defend one of its members. The subtle messages however have to be read in between the lines.

The meeting reached the conclusion that this matter was up to Turkey and Russia to resolve. Obama made it much clearer when he said that “Turkey and Russia must talk and de-escalate”.

What must be gleaned from this is that NATO, and of course America, are both distancing themselves from Turkey on this count. If Turkey wants to fight Russia, they are implying, Turkey will have to do this alone. The USA’s refusal to accept Russian evidence on the oil smuggling business between ISIL and Turkey is nothing more than cheap talk. This is not to forget that as the USA refutes such evidence, it is at the same time calling Turkey to close its borders with Syria….

NATO’s Absurd Denials Amid Acts of War in Syria

By Finian Cunningham

…………..The analyst says that the NATO military gear-change is “all about salvaging a situation in which Western powers are losing their covert war and their proxy means to prosecute that war.”

Russia has exposed a “giant, sordid criminal enterprise” whereby Western governments are being seen to be in league with regional despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. More damningly, Western governments are also shown to be colluding with some of the most barbaric terror groups known in modern times.

Putin’s principled military intervention to defend Syrian state sovereignty has flushed out the criminal parties and their joint enterprise to overthrow an elected government.

This is why Washington and its NATO allies have reacted with such manic militarism. It is entirely plausible that Turkey was given the green light by its NATO superiors to shoot down the Russian warplane on November 24.

The contradictions in NATO’s stated policies, as uncovered by Russia in Syria, are becoming unbearable.

US President Barack Obama at the weekend made yet another solemn nationwide speech telling the American people that as Commander-in-Chief he was committed to “hunting down” terror groups in Syria and Iraq. Obama also declared that his government would order regional allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey to clamp down on funding for terrorists.

But virtually everything in reality shows that Washington and its Western allies are telling lies. Their military operations in Syria and Iraq have only made the terror networks expand and their Turk ally – a NATO member – is up to its eyes in financing jihadists through a massive oil-smuggling racket.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has even backed Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov’s calls for the Turkish border to be closed down to prevent the flow of illicit oil, weapons and fighters. Yet, Washington on the other hand patently denies that Turkey is involved in this terror trade.

Russia and the Syrian army are the two forces that have made decisive advances against the terror brigades. In the past week, the Syrian army with Russian air support has retaken major areas of Aleppo in the north, Homs in the centre and Qalamoun to the west. The Syrian-Russian alliance is also moving to push back jihadists in the oil-rich eastern provinces – the last stronghold of these mercenaries.

The Syrian army base hit this week near Deir Ezzor was an important spearhead against IS in the east.

It is therefore hard not to conclude, according to Martin, that the US and its NATO allies are caught in a dilemma. “Their backs are against the wall because Russia is destroying their criminal enterprise in Syria,” he says.

And, disturbingly, it looks like Washington is prepared to start a world war in order to save its criminal enterprise – while acting as the air force for jihadist terrorists.

US Attacks Syrian Military, World Awaits Russian Response

By Brandon Turbeville

December 08, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – The United States is currently denying that its Air Force struck the Syrian military in the Deir ez-Zor province on the evening of December 6, but the Syrian government is confirming that a direct assault on the SAA did, in fact, take place.

Given the history of the United States and its 5-year proxy war against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and the hesitancy of the Syrian government to admit when it has actually sustained damage, it is safe to assume that the claims of the latter can be believed.

Thus, it appears that, on the evening of December 6, four US-led coalition planes launched nine missiles against the SAA’s Saeqa military camp in Deir ez-Zor province.

At least four Syrian soldiers were killed and thirteen others were injured. A sizable amount of ammunition, armored vehicles, military vehicles, and various forms of military equipment were also destroyed in the raid.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has stated that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council.”

Coalition spokesman Col. Steve Warren has denied the accusations, however, saying that “We’ve seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir ez Zor yesterday. So we see no evidence.” He admitted that airstrikes did take place in the region but claimed that they were conducted around 55 km away.

The duplicity of the United States and its “coalition” should be carefully noted, however, since the U.S. has, in the past, claimed that Assad was massacring innocent civilians, engaging in chemical weapons attacks, and indiscriminately barrel bombing civilian areas – all claims that have been thoroughly debunked and proven to have been the handiwork of the Western-backed terrorists themselves. Thus, the track record of the U.S. is dirty to say the least, especially when it comes to events in Syria.

It should also be noted that the province in which the attack occurred is one that is largely controlled by ISIS, thus further weakening the SAA presence in the area and initiating a situation in which ISIS is much more likely to gain full control. In addition, Deir ez-Zor has significant strategic importance since the area also contains a number of oilfields controlled by ISIS and used by the terrorist organization to provide supplemental funding.

Clearly, if the United States and its coalition were interested in destroying ISIS, they would be working with Bashar al-Assad and his military not bombing it. It would be attempting to shut down the Jarablus corridor.

Instead, the United States and NATO are doing everything in their power to destroy the Syrian government while promoting ISIS as a proxy army that will then be used to destroy Iran and Russia.

There is a dangerous game being played in Syria right now and one that may eventually affect the lives of every human being on the planet. Eventually, the Russians – the only military legally bombing inside Syria – will be forced to respond directly or face terrorism running rampant inside their own borders in the not-so-distant future along with an embattled government and the hovering Anglo-American vultures awaiting the perfect time to swoop in and implement their long-sought-after geopolitical goals. Indeed, Russia has no choice in the matter.

While Russia has repeatedly responded to provocations with a level head, it is apparent that a military response will eventually be elicited. After all, violence seems to be the only language some are able to understand.

Regardless, NATO, GCC, Israel, and the United States are clearly the aggressors in this growing confrontation and the responsibility lies with them to cease and desist in their warmongering provocations before it becomes too late. Much of the world has awakened to this fact. It is high time for the people living within these countries to join with the rest of the world’s population and demand an end to imperialist foreign adventures.

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