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McCain Supports Party Over People: Backs GOP Bill To Gut Obamacare And Kill Medicaid expansion in AZ [Picture]

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 15:57
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 A Republican bill to repeal Obamacare is putting several senators who are up for re-election in a difficult bind.

Forced to choose between backing legislation that satisfies the longstanding GOP goal of ending the law and maintaining health care coverage for their constituents, these senators are, so far, going with the former.

The latest lawmaker to make that choice is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast on Wednesday that he would back the bill even though it would end the Medicaid expansion in his home state of Arizona.

“Obviously the governor and legislature in my state decided that they wanted that program and so it is going to trouble me in the vote. When you’re looking at the overall components of it, I would probably vote for it,” McCain said. “But it does provide me with discomfort. I am very reluctant to take positions that counter the decisions made by the governor. As a federalist, I believe it puts me in a difficult position.”   source

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