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Media Matters Founder: Trump Crack Was About ‘Black Rapist’ Obama ‘Using the Schlong’ To Beat Hillary

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 21:18
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(Before It's News)

“What we’re gonna see, and what we got a taste of last night, was the misogynistic attacks on Hillary Clinton, which also had a racial appeal, as well. The idea of a black rapist using the schlong to defeat Hillary, I mean, I think that’s what that really was about.”

“She got schlonged. She lost.” That’s the remark Donald Trump made that has been the biggest news story ever on MSNBC today, and on All In with guest host Alex Wagner, which Media Matters founder David Brock went nutball over in typical Brock fashion.

Brock is head of the pro-Hillary SuperPAC Correct the Record, and this is how he is correcting the record. He’s projecting his own leftover hostility from Clinton’s 2008 shellacking onto the odd phrase from Donald Trump.

Even the head of liberal race-baiting for Mediaite called it a ridiculous reach. Because it is, of course. To read that much into one word speaks more of Brock and his absurd hair than it does of Donald Trump and his.

But what do you expect from an extreme liberal whackadoo? Brock’s mission in life is to elect Hillary. He’s pathological. There’s no cure for that.

The post Media Matters Founder: Trump Crack Was About ‘Black Rapist’ Obama ‘Using the Schlong’ To Beat Hillary appeared first on RedState.


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