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Obama: 'This was an act of terrorism'

Sunday, December 6, 2015 18:33
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Obama: 'This was an act of terrorism' | 06 Dec 2015 | (CNN) 8:04 p.m. ET update: President Obama says “this was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people.” 8:07 p.m. ET update: Obama says the “threat from terror is real but we will overcome it.” He pledges to “destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us.” 8:08 p.m. ET update: Obama pledges to review visa waiver program. He urges Congress to reassess gun laws, saying people on the no-fly list shouldn't be able to obtain a gun. 8:10 p.m. ET update: Obama says U.S. should not engage in a “long and costly ground war.” He argues that ISIL “does not speak for Islam.” Original story: President Barack Obama is poised to deliver a rare prime-time address from the Oval Office on Sunday to reassure anxious Americans that his administration will protect them from the threat posed by ISIS [I-CIA-SIS].


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Total 1 comment
  • Speech over, and it was nothing, but soft spoken rhetoric! Teleprompter. the writer sounds like a women wrote the speech!

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