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She’s A Burn Victim and an Orphan, and All She Wants For Christmas is Your Holiday Wishes

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 8:10
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(Before It's News)

I found out on Tuesday night about a little girl who suffered a terrible, tragic loss, and needs our help. Deserves our help. Her name is Safyre, and she was burned and orphaned in a heinous arson. CNN’s excellent and reliable Jake Tapper tweeted about her just before midnight.

The link goes to a Redbook article. Here’s a heart-breaking excerpt.

For five-year-old Safyre, the sole survivor of an arson attack that killed her family, and left her homeless, Christmas can be a painful reminder of what she’s lost.

In 2013, her father, younger sister, and brothers, were murdered in a senseless act. When firefighters found Safyre in what was left of her New York home, she was clutching her father’s chest, who saved her life, but couldn’t protect her from all of the flames.

Although the majority of her body is covered in burns, and she’s had both her right hand and left foot amputated, Safyre, who is being raised by her dad’s sister, is still a joyful child, who has remained strong through the devastation.

Funds have been raised, and the community has rallied around her. What they ask today is that this little girl be given the love and Christmas cheer of caring people from all around the world. The well wishes, thoughts, and prayers to let her know that the world is full of good people who love and care for others.

My wife, my daughters and I will be sending our card. We hope you’ll join us. And thank you to Jake Tapper and Redbook for giving a big microphone to a little girl.

You can send your cards here:

P.O. Box 6126
Schenectady, NY 12306

The post She’s A Burn Victim and an Orphan, and All She Wants For Christmas is Your Holiday Wishes appeared first on RedState.


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