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Video: Conductor Lectures Queen on Islam – Entire Dutch Orchestra Walks Out

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 9:37
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Watch the walk out in the video below. When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light. Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam. The Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeds to give the Queen a lecture on the “beauty” of Islam. The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their queen.

It’s nice to see sane people around the world are beginnig to catch on. I wonder when sanity will catch on in the United States? The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage and afterquestioning, out of the building. Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland.

Bet you didn’t see this on your local news.

ENTIRE Orchestra Walks Out on Conductor

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!








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Total 29 comments
  • Too bad the people in the U.S.A. and U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives haven’t been smart enough to remove Muslim Barack H. Obama (Barry Soetoro) or whoever he is from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC and invite him to begin living in a very secure, tiny living space with bars on the door and window.

  • I hope this country does the same thing to Obama! :wink:

  • Man

    This is old… because Beatrice isn’t the queen any more LOL

    • DOES NOT matter if it is old or NOT, muslims need to be stopped or the world as we know it will fall!! period end of story!! wake up before you wake up and find your infidel head about to be chopped off!!

  • The conductor makes references to Jesus and the mother of Jesus apparently to emphasize that the Queen’s religion is close to Islam. He speaks the quoted words the way that lets the listener to assume an intended role of relationship between mother and son in the respective close quarter confrontation between the two. But if the man really doesn’t want to be Jesus, then who does he portray himself? Is he insinuating that he is a reincarnation of Mohammad? If he is saying the message with the voice of authority rather than a servant, then why does he choose such an embarrassing way to convey the message? If the means are in any way premeditated, then does he plan to clarify the rationale more specifically afterwards? If that’s the case, how can he be so sure that he will get another chance to speak to the audience? If he doesn’t care, then who was in control of that man? Because that man just made a mockery of his sender, unless he make such claim for himself.

    • Obvious miss understanding. This Conductor was pointing towards the similarities in the Koran and the New Testament, unlike the perverted jewish talmud that equates the mother of Jesus to a whorelot and Jesus far worse.

    • The reason it happened is either because the man is an idot or because someone paid him to do it. The latter is probably more likely even though his presumptuousness might seem to indicate the former.

  • Surprisingly, this was not a recent event in which Europeans just grew some balls in response to recent events.
    This happened over four years ago.

    In France, however, they seem to be growing a pair due to recent events:
      France Raids Mosques, What Was Found?

  • Good video, but this is old stuff. It’s been on YouTube for years and (of course) I have my own kilometer-long comment about it there. It doesn’t have the part where the conductor gets arrested at the end, though.
    The audacity he had to try and lecture the QUEEN of the Netherlands!

    Lettuce prey….

  • Question #1: Who hired this muzzie wanker?

    Question #2: Why didn’t one of the people in the orchestra push him off the stage?

  • wait a minute hes a muslim conductor and somehow the orchestra never new how he felt? They left it says BECASUSE he lectured THEOR Queen? Seriously??

  • This Conductor was pointing towards the similarities in the Koran and the New Testament,


  • Jacko

    ” When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam,”

    I am Dutch and can tell you this is simply not true. Don’t spread lies please…

  • old
    some islam schizofrenic said he was jesus
    held at policestation, they knew him, did this regularly

  • If someone can tell one good thing about the modern Islam religion and because of it about the Muslims I would greatly appreciate it. Everything I have seen or heard of modern Islam is bad. I wonder why the Rothschild’s tolerate it/them if it is not to score some more billions of the world’s wealth, i.e., productivity. There must be artifacts or gold or something very valuable there in the Middle East other than oil, because, so much is being made of being there. It must be like I have written before: the Rothschild’s want their kingdom, Israel, to span from coast to coast all the way to the tip of South Africa. Which tells us why a perfectly functioning South Africa was torn apart by the big money gang in America and Europe, several years ago. South Africa is now a place of complete criminality, a place where the Africans have gone completely insane and in the process have become useless as a people. It must be the gold. South Africa was a Anannuki treasure at one time, long ago, maybe, new gold is yet to be found there. If the Anannuki return they will have to make a new work force as the Africans there today are as useless as a bucket with a hole in it.

    • Jacko

      Go and talk to Muslims. If you wanna know something go to people who know. Here are only idiots with prejudice. The old-testament is just as cruel as the Koran. But not all Christians are extremists. Just like not all Muslims are extremists. Anyone saying they’re all the same is just an idiot who doesn’t understand. I happen to talk to an Egyptian friend last night. He told me how bad ISIS is and how bad he feels about how they make Islam look.

  • Many people are going to want to walk out soon but there will be no place to go to get away;.

    “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:15-17

    This describes their efforts to escape from God from Whom there is no escape. The whole world is going to change very soon. We are going to wake up one day if we are still alive (because BILLIONS will die) and notice that everything has changed for the worse;.

  • A concert for racsists. They did the conductor a favour. He was probably set up from the very start

    Voice of Reason? more like Voice Of Racism, but then again this sloppy piece was probably meant for those at the bottom of the evolutionary scale.

    queen breatrice? we all know where her loyalties lie.

  • I would say there was a BOMB in there and they just escorted him out!! What an idiot!

  • This is how christians should proclaim Jesus Christ. Taking every chance to spread the Word! Get up youre leazy seat and get to action!

  • Walk -

  • By the way, where is the Korung written by the Pasha Muthu Nae himself, as a against the fabricated Al-Qua-ran of Saudi Arabia?

  • THIS IS A TOTALLY AND UTTERLY FALSE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT HAPPENED THERE! By putting this meaning to it you are suggesting something that is not there. This polarises society.

    The video shows a disturbed man who managed to climb the stage and make this statement. The orchestra left because they were instructed to do so. Police was already present and taking control of the situation. The concert was restarted after the incident. This is from 4 years ago, 3 september 2011.

    Please be accurate in what you tell people and do not misinform them. Check your facts!

  • LC

    This happend in 2011, was in the Dutch newspapers and it was not a conductor but an intruder

  • This was posted weeks ago. The event happened way before that. Why is this load of old bollox being reposted?

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