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We Won’t Have Lindsey Graham to Kick Around Anymore

Monday, December 21, 2015 8:02
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(Before It's News)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 36% has performed a great service for this country: he has decided to stop subjecting us to his Presidential campaign. CNN is now announcing that Graham is suspending his campaign, which means that this will be the last we hear of how Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 36% will bring booze back to the White House if he is elected.

In an indication of how much politics has changed (and not necessarily for the better), Graham was the only veteran in the Republican field this year. However, he was wildly out of step with his party’s voters – running a campaign that would have been at least interesting in 2004 but was mainly offputting and bizarre in 2015.

In addition, although he was without a doubt the most seasoned television personality in the Republican field, as a long-time fixture on the Sunday talk shows, his debate performances were wildly panned for Graham’s bizarre, possibly-intoxicated delivery. Word around the campfire is that there will be no more kid table debates, which means no more TV time for Graham, thus ending the need for Graham to participate further in this charade.

What will be interesting to see is how much, if at all, Graham has hurt his standing at home in South Carolina as a result of this ill-conceived Presidential run. Back in April, Graham’s RCP average in South Carolina was 15%, good enough for second place at the time (behind Jeb Bush). After he bragged and blustered that he would kick Trump’s a** if Trump came to South Carolina, he has plunged down to 1.7%, not even registering in some South Carolina polls.

Despite being wildly unpopular among the conservative base of the GOP, Graham has skated to re-election at home repeatedly, due mainly to the extent to which South Carolina voters haven’t noticed the fact that he is kind of crazy and not very conservative. This Presidential run has more or less put an end to that, and has opened the door to a possible challenger if he decides to run again.

The post We Won’t Have Lindsey Graham to Kick Around Anymore appeared first on RedState.


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