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2015 Political Traitor of the Year Paul Ryan

Friday, January 1, 2016 12:28
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Lots and lots of terrible Cuckservatives, RINOs, Libtard loon political traitors in our country. But, one stands out from the rest.

US Speaker of the House Paul Ryan!

It’s getting to be something of a tradition for the GOP to nominate a Vice Presidential candidate in the Paul Ryan, Jack Kemp mold. He’s supposed to appeal to Blacks, Hispanics, non traditional Americans like Muslims by offering all kinds of economic conservative, Libertarian spins on things. This goes under the idea that the Lib MSM media will give the GOP ticket a break – as the Jack Kemps, Paul Ryans are doing “outreach” to disadvantaged Lib Dem groups like illegal alien Hispanics in Chicago, who are supposedly natural GOP Conservatives, with strong “family values. Paul Ryan made a big deal about his Catholic faith which he supposedly shared with Chicago’s Rep. Louis Gutierrez and all the illegal alien Latinos who were desperately wanting to become Conservative Americans, except some mean nativists in the Red State South wouldn’t give them amnesty.

In any event, Paul Ryan tanked as a vice presidential candidate – he couldn’t even carry his own state of Wisconsin! Nobody really likes pandering Libertarian economic conservatives, Libertarian Libtards – not undocumented workers/illegals, not Blacks, Islamists, not really anybody except….

Lib Democrats, lugenpresse MSM media like the Jack Kemps, the Paul Ryans because they are losers. And the American Lib Left likes to see Conservatives, Whites, Southerners lose.

So, somehow this pathetic loser Paul Ryan was made….

Speaker of the US House of Representatives!

This position is arguably the second most powerful position in the US government.

Rep. Paul Ryan has used his office to basically fund the entire BRA Obama wishlist, funding “sanctuary cities”, funding Planned Parenthood, funding mass migration of Syrian and other Muslim migrants in to the USA, in to the West. Hey Paul Ryan – what happened to your devout Catholic Christian faith, are you now Islamist?

Honest Conservatives like Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions and even the likes of Rush Limbaugh are savaging Rep. Paul Ryan as a sell out – a traitor. But, everyone went home for Christmas and New Years as there are so many “College” football games to watch. So Rep. Paul Ryan will probably enjoy a safe, prosperous new year as America’s leading cuckservative, sell out traitor. I bet he wines and dines with the likes of George Will in Will’s Chevy Chase MD mansion.

Well here’s hoping Rep. Paul Ryan meets a similar fate of RFK who found out the hard way that pandering to any and all 3rd world people of color, including Muslims and Israeli extremists doesn’t always work out so well.


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