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The Last Election?!! Clinton Insider Spills Scary Secrets About What’s To Come! It’ll Rattle Your Bones!

Friday, January 15, 2016 10:18
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(Before It's News)


By Lisa Haven


Clinton Insider, Larry Nichols— the man who exposed numerous Clinton scandals including Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater and others—shares some of the most critical, crucial and concise information about Hilary, President Obama, Joe Biden and the upcoming 2016 election and how it could be the last election! This information will not only blow your mind wide open, but it is also reveal deep secrets that only an insider would know. Please, please don’t miss this vital report…



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Total 58 comments
  • Obama, Clintons, Biden, Trump, Putin, Merkel, Miteron, and other major political leaders are all puppets for the ultimate power that rules BABYLON THE GREAT. As Nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylon, so does the Vatican (Papacy) rule BABYLON THE GREAT.

    Pay attention to who is not mentioning the Jesuits in the global charade. ‘ahem…. ahem…’

    • We are already in the toilet and they are just reaching for the flush!

      The elite will soon run and hide in the bunkers paid for with citizens taxes, after engineering a full economic collapse as well as starting WW3, plus they will make sure that there are enough Jihadi’s in the West to start a race war.

      That should be enough to cover up the failed fiat ponzi scheme and take care of the ‘excessive’ population……


      • Oh…What inditement? Well, Joe Biden, What??? I mean…NO! But yes…Bill for ” Secretary General of the U.N…YES!!!…but No! I mean… What difference at this point does it make!!!?

    • PeoplePower

      You got that right Lisa, also its your last chance to get your money out of the banks before they close today.

      The Satanic Deception Has Been Exposed & The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

      13 + 6 = January 19, 2016, which could possibly be the day they launch a massive false flag cyber attack to cover up the collapse of dollar. (See explanation below)

      [Epiphany - Three Kings Day, Theophany]
      Theophaneia meaning  ”Vision of God’, also known as Three Kings’ Day, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God in his Son as human in Jesus Christ.  

      The traditional date for the feast is January 6 and commemorates the  baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God.

      Eastern churches following the Julian Calender observe the Theophany feast on what for most countries is January 19, because of the 13-day difference today between that calendar and the generally used Gregorian calendar.

      The number 13 is very signifigant to the Illuminati or ‘illuminated Ones’ aka (13 Ruling Crime Families) is a ritualistic organization that has been around since the Christian crusades. It has a special way of looking at numbers that we should all know about and uses the numbers for ritualistic witchcraft.

      Thirteen is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number. It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were arrested on October 13, 1307. However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life.  The highest possible magnification of the number 13.

      There are 13 members in covens and satanic cults – 12 regular members and one high priest.  This is a mirroring of 12 jurors + 1 judge = 13. There are 13 high occult families that run the world. (Fritz Springmeier Illuminati Bloodlines)
      The number 19 is magickal. Lunar cycles are synchronized with Gregorian calendar every 19 years.

      • I disagree with Fritz Springmeier’s claim or possibly disinformation that those 13 families run the world. Powerful yes but they haven’t been around near as long as the black and grey (Papal) nobility bloodlines like the Borgias, Farnese, Aldobrandini, Collon, Orsini, Breakspeare, et al.


      • I’ll wait till monday and then laugh at you

      • Roman Emperor Constantine ordered the Council of Nicea in 325-A.D.

        Constantine moved the center of Rome to ‘Constantinople’ in 308 A.D. so in his honor, Rome would continue. Then he protected what would be the Roman Catholic Church with various laws (all while practicing paganism), and by 408-A.D., a man stood in the position of Pope and took the name Pope SIXTUS III (Pope 666, for those with suffering latin skills).

        All of Christianity sprang from the RCC and the Council of Nicea. The False prophet is the lineage of the Popes and the false religion is Christianity. From egg-laying rabbits to children staying up waiting on Odin on Yule Tide Night for his draft animal, Baphomet, to pull his hunting sleigh up to the house and find a returning-hunt snack set out for him – the whole trapping of most Christian celebrations are wrapped in Pagan wrapping paper.

        The next time you think ‘Easter’, you need to stop looking towards the Biblical ‘Ester’ as the source of the word – the real name you are looking for is Ishtar, or Eoyster, the patron goddess of harlots and merchants, whom the Blue Gate of Babylon was devoted to – it still stands, near the Pergamon Temple, in Berlin Germany today. Obama flew there just to recite his Presidential Acceptance speech in 2008 – standing on a replica of the Pergamon Temple’s steps.

        Wake up – the Pope is about to fulfill the final False Prophet role, and you don’t even understand which side you are standing on yet.

        • “All of Christianity sprang from the RCC and the Council of Nicea.”…

          While you are somewhat hinting at a shadow of real knowledge about the topic you’re blabbering about, you’re mistaken in some very critical areas. All of Christianity sprang from the Jews. The ‘Holy Bible’, both Old and New Testaments is simply a collection of plagiarized myths taken from much older and purer Pagan myths, over-layered with Jewish numerology and injected with Jewish patriarchs and heroes….
          The Jews made our original gods into hideous monsters. Caucasian Paganism preceded the Jewish invention of Christianity, and Judaism itself, from hundreds to thousands of years! Their “God” is not our God. Their “God” is the true evil one.
          The Bible is a Jewish conspiracy. Christians are deluded under a powerful spell.
          Christianity is nothing more than a vicious program, with the goals of:
          § Forcing the Gentiles to give up all occult knowledge and power so all
          psychic power is in the hands of select Jews for total control.
          § Indoctrinating the Gentile masses into pacifism and a slave-like mentality
          of servitude
          § Encouraging the Gentiles into giving up all money and worldly goods
          which is funneled into the hands of the ruling Jews and their Gentile
          lackeys like Billy Graham
          § Preparing the Gentile masses for a one world communist slave state with
          the ruling Jews in control.
          § Channeling Gentile psychic energy and prayers into the “Second coming
          of Christ” which is in reality the Jewish Messiah as any working of the
          mind must have a connection.
          § Cutting the Gentiles off from their own Tribal Gods and Demi-Gods, whose
          identities have been altered and replaced with fictitious Jewish characters.
          Our True Creator God has been denigrated, viciously and heinously
          insulted and blasphemed and relegated to the enemy of humanity.
          In summary, every character in the bible was stolen form Pagan
          Gentile religions and replaced with a Jewish character:
          § Jewish monotheism was stolen from Egyptian Akhenaton
          § The Jewish creation was stolen from the Egyptian Creation
          § The Jewish Yahweh’s use of the word to create was stolen from the
          § Egyptians [Jewish Yaweh replaces Ptah]
          § “Let there be Light” was stolen from the Theban Creation epic.
          § The “firmament in the midst of the waters…” was stolen from the
          § Egyptian Creation
          § Adam and Eve were stolen from the Egyptian Geb and Nut
          Eve coming from Adam’s rib was stolen from
          the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag:
          “My brother what hurts thee?
          “My rib hurts me”
          ANET, 41.
          Ninti who’s name means
          “Lady of the Rib” cured Enki’s rib
          Adam and Eve’s punishment and loss of immortality were stolen from the
          Mesopotamian story of Adapa [Jewish Yaweh replaces Sumerian Enki]
          Jewish Cain, Abel, and Seth were stolen from Osiris, Set, and Horus
          The conflict between Cain and Abel was stolen from Set and Osiris
          and as the story goes on, it is later based upon the Sumerian Dumuzi
          and Enkimdu
          Jewish Samson was stolen from Heracles:
          The putting out of his eyes is based on Oedipus, and the pulling down of the
          pillars was stolen from the Egyptian tale about Re-Herakhte
          The Jewish story of Jacob and the Ladder was stolen from the Egyptian Funerary
          Rituals for the deceased King
          “Hail to thee, O Ladder of God, Hail to thee, O Ladder of Set. Stand up O
          Ladder of God, Stand up O Ladder of Set, stand up O Ladder of Horus,
          whereon Osiris went forth into heaven.” “The Egyptian Ladder
          consisting of the bodies of two Egyptian deities upon which Osiris ascends
          into heaven, has been replaced by a ladder with several supernatural
          beings, angels, climbing up and down between earth and heaven.”
          Jewish Moses was stolen from several Gods and kings, depending on what
          stage of his life story:
          § Sargon [the birth and abandonment in the river, being rescued by royalty,
          § The wanderings in the desert were based upon the Sun-God Bacchus as
          seen in the Hymns of Orpheus
          § The Hebrew stint of “40 years in the desert” claimed in the Jewish book of
          The subsequent “40 day and 40 nights” wanderings in the desert of the Jewish
          Nazarene were stolen from: “The struggle of Set and Horus in the desert lasted
          forty days, as commemorated in the forty days of the Egyptian Lent, during which
          time Set, as the power of drought and sterility, made war on Horus in the water
          and the buried germinating grain….These forty days have been extended into
          forty years, and confessedly so by the Jews.”
          § Jewish Joshua was stolen from the Egyptian Deities Shu and Nun.
          § Jewish Deborah was stolen from the Egyptian Goddess Neith
          § Jewish Noah was stolen from Sumerian Ziusudra
          § The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in the Noah story replaced the Sumerian
          God Enlil, aka Beelzebub
          § Noah’s son Jewish Ham was stolen from Belus
          § Jewish Nimrod was stolen from the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris
          § Jewish Abraham was stolen from King Hariscandra of the Hindu
          § Jewish Isaac was stolen from King Hariscandra’s son Rohita
          § The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in this story replaced the Hindu God
          § Jewish character Daniel was stolen from Egyptian Neferti
          § Jewish Jonah and the whale; Jonah was stolen from the Hindu
          character “Saktideva” found in the Somadeva Bhatta.
          § The “Twelve Tribes of Israel” like the Twelve Disciples of Christ
          are based upon the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
          § Jewish Lot and his wife were stolen from the Greek Orpheus and
          § Jewish Yaweh replaces the Greek God Hades
          § Jewish Jacob and Jewish Esau were stolen from Horus and Set
          § Jewish Rebekah was stolen from The Egyptian Goddess Isis
          § Jewish Joseph with the eleven brothers was stolen from Egyptian
          § Jewish story of Joseph and Potipher’s wife stolen from Egyptian
          Anubis and Bata
          § “The Ten Plagues” against Egypt were grossly exaggerated and altered
          and stolen from the Ipuwer Papyrus
          § The Ten commandments was stolen from The Code of Hammurabi
          Jewish Yaweh replaces the Sumerian Sun God Shamash aka Azazel
          § Jewish David killing Philistine Goliath were stolen from Thor
          throwing a hammer at Hrungnir and striking him in the forehead.
          § The Jewish Job was stolen from Ugaritic Keret and Jewish Yaweh
          replaces the God “El.”
          The Jewish “Job,” was stolen from a story written in the Ugaritic language
          [Cuneiform Script], composed circa 1400 BCE by “Ilimilku the Scribe.” This epic
          involves “Keret” and the God “El,” NOT Job and Jehova. Keret’s family tragedies
          and illness are comparable with the story of Job. In the original tale, “Satan”
          never even entered into the picture. Here, Jewish Jehova replaces El
          By creating opposing Gods, one “good” and the other “evil” the Jews have been
          able to manipulate the world beyond belief.
          The Jewish book of Proverbs, along with the writings in the book of Ecclesiastes
          were stolen from the Teachings of Egyptian Ptah-Hotep.
          Many of the writings in the Jewish book of Joshua were stolen from
          The El Amarna Letters
          The Jewish book of Judges is comprised of material stolen from:
          § The Story of Aqhat
          § The Diary of Wen-Amon
          § The Gezer Almanac
          The Jewish books of Samuel and Kings contain stolen material from:
          § The Mari Prophecies
          § The Stele of Mesha
          § The Karatepe Inscription
          § The Annals of Shalmaneser III
          § The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III
          § The Annals of Tiglath-Pileser III
          § The Annals of Sargon II
          § The Siloam Inscription
          § The Yavne-Yam Inscription
          § The Lachlish Letters
          § The Arad Ostraca
          § The Annals of Sennacherib
          § The Annals of Nebuchadnezzar II

          The Gentiles have been disarmed and force-fed a suicidal anti-life philosophy
          with Christianity.
          Because the multitude of characters, numbers, and stories were stolen and
          altered from gentile sources, they are strong enough in the Gentile racial memory
          to use as a powerful psychic tool for manipulation.

      • if it all goes pear shaped like you think ‘getting your money out of the bank’ will be a waste of time

    • Please read this book!
      A. Hitler came also im Power with Rotschild money as the Presidents of the USA. :!:

    • It’s a Zionist conspiracy, with Kazarians posing as ethnic Jews controlling the majority of the media and the money….they have set the mercenaries (refugees) on the western nations through their puppet leaders like Merkel, to destroy the goyem’s nations.

      Some of us know what is going on

  • I’m pretty sure you have said before that there was not going to be an election.

  • This is the Apocalypse.
    Obama’s the Antichrist. I’m the Messiah.

    • Take your meds.

      • Why would I not be the Messiah?
        I’m the only one in the world revealing Obama’s the Antichrist based upon the Number 666 that was drawn in the lottery of Obama’s homestate the day after his election.
        So there’s no doubt possible that Obama’s the Antichrist.

        • seriously stfu fgt you’re no messiah

        • I’ve changed my mind, I don’t think you’re serious anymore. I now think you’re just trolling us and laughing all the way. Well done sir.

          • Ignore the false christs in the comments heckling about the Antichrist being a man or a concept; they’re just paid shills of the Antichrist Obama so don’t follow them.
            How could I not be the Messiah?
            I’m the only one in the whole wide world even in the Far East, who’s revealing Obama to be the Antichrist but based upon the lottery draw of 666 marking Obama as the Antichrist in his hometown the day after his election. Yes, the lottery drew the incredible hair-raising miraculous draw of 666 on that day in that place, indeed!!!!
            Why is no one revealing this except me?
            Scared much maybe?
            People have failed.
            They should have stepped up and shouldered the mantle of Messiah.
            No one did.
            I had to do it.
            “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” and it required a tough person like me to shoulder this mantle and carry this burden of being the Messiah. No one else did it. People were scared.
            I’m The One.
            There’s no doubt possible, I’m the Messiah.
            Follow me and you’ll be saved. Follow anyone else and you’ll go to the eternally burning furnaces of the deepest hells.
            I’m Tibetan Tantric Buddhist, the highest form of culture in the world.
            Turn away from Christians coming to spread their faith in the Apocalypse, because Jesus said to not follow anyone coming in his name in the Aopocalypse. He said they’d be false christs and Minions of the Devil.

          • Google it
            Antichrist Obama Carries Buddha Statue In Pocket (Video) Hideous Beast Carries All Faiths Of World Around With Him

            This is the Apocalypse.

        • You’re The Only one revealing eh? Mental health wanna-be-special humpty dumpty…

          • Scotty B. | PoeticFireStorm,
            Yes, I’m the only one revealing Obama’s the Antichrist worldwide.
            Check Google: no one’s doing it relying upon the lottery draw of 666 in Obam’s hometown’s lottery the day after his election.
            I’m the one and the only one too so because none of youa re doing it I’m the Messiah. Honestly this is a tough job. I’ll leave it to you. Do you want to job. Take it.
            Break the Apocalypse. Do it.
            I dare you.
            See! You don’t have the cojones to do it.

        • Walk on water. Webcam yourself turning water into wine and then maybe, just maybe, you might get some credibility moron.

          • Turn away from the false christs like doggoneit said jesus.
            He said Christians like doggoneit would be false christs.
            My Messianic power is to break the Apocalypse and judge all beings on earth and I’m doing it because I’m ruling Obama to be the Antichrist which no one else on Earth is doing expect for me.

    • Important breaking news!
      Jesus said all Christians would be false christs in the Apocalypse and not to follow them.
      So, the trolls claiming they are knowledgeable Christians in the comments are in fact demons as Jesus was the one who said it.
      I’m the Messiah because I break the Apocalypse and I alone reveal the Antichrist Obama.

      The false christs in the comments here work for Obama the Antichrist because they’re working for him if they want it or not. Only by following me, can anyone be saved in heaven, now in the Apocalypse.

      • So if your the Messiah…..then what was or is Jesus? Or are you claiming your Jesus?

        • Yeah Gary, I’m the Messiah because none of you Christians have stepped up to the plate. I had to step in and be the Messiah in your stead.
          Why didn’t you take on the mantle of Messiah and let a Buddhist like me take it, because you people failed?
          Jesus said all Christians would be false christs in the Apocalypse and not to follow them.
          Jesus will not return as Christian, he said so.
          I’m Jesus’ Second Coming.
          I’m not Christian because Jesus said all Christians would be false christs in the Apocalypse and not to follow them.

          • One day your death will reach you and you shall face your maker ad judgment day….When jesus asks you “Why did you tell people you were the Messiah…why did you bear false witness against my name?

            What will you tell him?

          • When judgment day arrives and you come face to face with Jesus and he asks you “Why did you tell people that you were the Messiah? Why did you bear false witness against my name?

      • Jesus is the Messiah not you fgt go suck Obama’s BIG loong D :evil:

        • The Real Antichrist is a false christ.
          Jesus said all Christians would be false christs in the Apocalypse and not to follow them.
          So, the trolls claiming they are knowledgeable Christians in the comments are in fact demons as Jesus was the one who said it.
          I’m the Messiah because I break the Apocalypse and I alone reveal the Antichrist Obama.
          I’m the only one in the whole wide world even in the Far East, who’s revealing Obama to be the Antichrist but based upon the lottery draw of 666 marking Obama as the Antichrist in his hometown the day after his election. Yes, the lottery drew the incredible hair-raising miraculous draw of 666 on that day in that place, indeed!!!!
          Why is no one revealing this except me?
          Scared much maybe?
          People have failed.
          They should have stepped up and shouldered the mantle of Messiah.
          No one did.
          I had to do it.
          “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” and it required a tough person like me to shoulder this mantle and carry this burden of being the Messiah. No one else did it. People were scared.
          I’m The One.
          There’s no doubt possible, I’m the Messiah.
          Follow me and you’ll be saved. Follow anyone else and you’ll go to the eternally burning furnaces of the deepest hells.
          I’m Tibetan Tantric Buddhist, the highest form of culture in the world.
          Turn away from Christians coming to spread their faith in the Apocalypse, because Jesus said to not follow anyone coming in his name in the Aopocalypse. He said they’d be false christs and Minions of the Devil.
          Follow me. Not the false christs.

          • Wannabe King of Shambhala you’re mental health. :roll:
            You’re the messiah you say. Btw I clicked Dislike and made it 7 and it
            deleted it.

          • All Christians are false christs in the Apocalypse Jesus said it.
            Scotty B. | PoeticFireStorm is aa false christ Jesus talked about and warned against.
            Don’t follow him, Jesus said so.

      • It is a false statement that all Christians would be false christs in the Apocalypse.

        Matthew 24
        4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

        5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

        6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

        7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

        8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

        9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

        10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

        11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

        12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

        13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

        It is clear that Jesus warns his followers that many would deceive others. He does NOT say that all who follow him would deceive others. In that case, there would be no audience that could follow his words.

        An unlikely occurrence is not proof of a position. It could be a coincidence that the number 666 was chosen in the Chicago lottery the day after Obama won the election. But then WHY was that number NOT chosen on the day of his election? Maybe an indication, but NOT something one could present in an affidavit and testify to in court as an expert witness that this is proof.

        Having the numbers 666 in an ID card or bank account does NOT condemn someone to hell. Nor does having the numbers 777 in one’s personal or business accounts mean that one is necessarily going to heaven.

        The following is NOT what you will hear from “king”. But he may correct me if I am wrong.

        Romans 10
        8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

        9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

        10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

        Note carefully how he will not quote scripture, but just refer to scripture and draw what he believes are inferences to support his beliefs.

        I am sorry for him and have repeatedly tried, along with many others, to get him to see the truth.

        He also engages in merciless ad hominem attacks. His knee jerk reaction is to demonize and make many who disagree with him into the antichrist or type of antichrist. But such attacks do nothing to support an argument in and of themselves. I do not point this out to refute his argument, but to show the logical fallacy in which he is engaged.

        He has also stated that unless one can show him that he is wrong, then he must be right. This, however, is an absence of evidence fallacy. It’s kind of like having no alibi. While no one can corroborate your whereabouts does not mean that that person or any of 1,000 others also in that area at the time without an alibi committed the crime. Along with other factors, no alibi can be an indication but NOT proof.

        A man destined to be the Antichrist could conceivably change his mind, either through circumstances, prayer, or simply that Satan found someone even worse. Prophecy can be conditional (the sailors with Paul praying to their own gods were nonetheless shown mercy by only undergoing shipwreck; the butler who waited two years to tell Pharaoh of Joseph indicates that either of Joseph’s two dreams of 11 years or 13 years could be true depending on the response of another.

        Pray for “king” that he sees the light and walks toward Jesus, not turning to the right or left.

        He appears to be unable to reconcile his false beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism with Christianity, and feels that he must justify his beliefs by attacking Christians who try to get him to see.

        Here is the test of one that has the spirit of the antichrist:
        1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

        2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

        3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

        I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, that he is the Lamb whose blood was shed for all who would receive him. We must look to him, the Messiah and our risen King. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

    • Wannabe King of Shambhala You’re an Antichrist for saying you are The Messiah. :roll: Hypocrite.

      • I say I’m the Messiah because all Christians are false christs. Christians, they all failed.
        Sorry but all Christians are false christs in the Apocalypse Jesus said it.
        Scotty B. | PoeticFireStorm is a false christ that Jesus talked about and warned against.
        Don’t follow him, Jesus said so.

    • In some obscure commune in northern France, an inhabitant – a Tantric Buddhist – claims to be Jesus – The Messiah – given divine mission to save the world! Don’t know about you but Jesus a Buddhist? Time to take your meds there wacko! …

      Blah, blah, blah, ☺♥ ♀ ☼ ‡ &… F-♂♫ ♪… Have a great day!

      The link is absolutely hilarious. You really GET OFF insulting people don’t you?? Plus, you shouldn’t put pics of you in your own house – wacko!

      • Watch out Dooggoneit’s a loon. He wrote he’s “got a bigger role in the grand scheme of things” than me. I’m the Messiah and he’s sure not the Messiah. He’s just delusional of grandeur so follow me and not loons like him who claim they’re the Messiah or like false christs who Jesus said would claim they’re the truth and they’re the way.

  • Get real
    1) billy was kicked out of Oxford after 2 weeks, he never graduated, just lied about it
    2) Hillary already lost once
    3) Hillary’s numbers are tanking BIG TIME
    4) Chelsea will be convicted with the hag

    • DK

      1968 – Wasn’t Bill also draft dodging at the time ?

  • This is crap. Obama won’t survive after his election. Someone, probably the CIA, will take him out. The Clinton’s are about to go to jail. Biden has neurologic health problems and is older than dirt. We the people are going to choose our president…..not a corrupt stew of thieves.

  • We Are At War With the Un Americans :!: :!:

  • Hello Angle#1,

    Charlie here. Americans lost control of this nation and their Constitution over a 100 years ago. Everybody went right along with it till we got an illegal foreign negro sodomite in control of this nation! EVERYONE should be SHOCKED by this but nobody was and even egged the negro on for the fool 2 terms!

    Do you think they would not mind it if the negro got a TURD TERM?? I will tell you who won’t mind it? The 2 or 3 per centers. Just enough to ignite the FIRE in our bellies.


    Charlie (I don’t mind some fire in the belly just watch out for the backfire. It’s a blast!) :lol:

  • nah… we still have the 2nd amendment.
    that, as it turns out, is the strongest amendment.
    molon labe.

  • I wanted to watch this video but my !st amendment was taken away by odama and progressive party again what the Hell is going to wake up Americans to our rights our melting away day by day. Anyone who believes in the DEMORATED PARTY OR A MODERATE REPUBLICAN IS STABBING AMERICA IN THE BACK…….PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!!!

  • Hey Bimbo,I got a bone you can rattle! Bring Lyn in for a 3 way sugar pants!

    • I really don’t want my bone to be rattled, more caressed gently. If Lyn joined in, you would then see my jaw drop



    • Watch out for false christs like Anonymous who claims to be the truth and be the way.
      Jesus said to not follow the false christs.
      False christs like this are evil and demonics.

  • javascript:grin(‘:evil:’)

  • If there even is an election in 2016. If the economy tanks and there is a lot violence in the streets and crime is shooting up, I wouldn’t put it past this regime to suspend the elections. Either that or they will force a “rules” change to allow Obama to run for the third term. I suspect that they would use much the same logic as FDR when he ran for his third term. FDR said that because of the war and economic hardships it didn’t make sense to change leaders midstream. Obama has (manufactured) the economic hardships. He doesn’t quite have a war yet but violence in the streets like we’ve seen before, in addition to the sort we are now seeing in Germany, could push enough of his worshipers over the edge to allow either option.

    • There was no 22nd amendment when Roosevelt was elected to a third term. There is now,limiting a president to two terms.. :cool:

  • did you say someone inside hilary clinton spilled something? I would have thought the bone rattling would have preceded this not come after….please clarify for your needy listeners – the suspense is killing them

  • KKD

    Lisa haven is a plant, a dis-informant agent much like Alex Jones. I mean come on….where would you, yes you reading this get the resources and information and people on her interviews if you were “just a normal person”…yeah well you wouldn’t without some outside help. She is pushing the agenda via the psyops programs Publishing constant reminders that their plans are going to plan and having it appear as “news”

    Check out how much money this agent is worth and making via her YouTube video stats.

  • PRIMARIES are UN-Constitutional and so is the denial of a vote to those the party does not OWN. Political parties are UN-Constitutional !

    WE have not had a Constitutional election in over 165 years !
    ALL presidents that have been put in office in these years are ALL UN-CONSTITUTIONAL !!

    This two-party system is the Communist system !
    WE need to get rid of it and go back to the Constitution and do it the Constitutional election way !

    Parties are not allowed in the Constitution, much less control who votes and who doesn’t, and run the country !

    There is not one thing Constitutional about the election system we are forced to have !



  • President Obama, Joe Biden and the upcoming 2016 election and how it could be the last election! click here

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